Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) 3.0 – Parallel production test

Dear Customer,

As told in the IT notice published April 27, 2015, the GCF 3.0 parallel production test period is about to begin. The future GCF 3.0 production system will be implemented this week and made available for parallel testing starting on Monday, May 18, 2015.  

Note! With the introduction of GCF 3.0 Nasdaq Nordic will use new subnets for GCF 3.0. We have also   changed the port number, which will be 29900, not 29000 as stated in previous notice.

GCF 3.0 Production destination IP’s are (Primary Site A (Lunda)) and (Secondary Site B (Port)), port number 29900 within subnets and respectively. GCF 3.0 test environments will use current subnets at time being (same as todays GCF 2.4.8 test environments). Connectivity details are available under Nasdaq Nordic Technical Information for GCF.

All the connection details are available here:

If you have any questions please contact