Smithfield Foods Applauds Nebraska Senators on Trade Vote

SMITHFIELD, Va., May 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Smithfield Foods, Inc. applauds the U.S. Senate and Senators Sasse and Fischer on voting to begin debate on the Bipartisan Trade Priorities and Accountability Act, bipartisan legislation to renew Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). This first procedural step paves the way for the important debate and final passage of TPA legislation that will create opportunities to expand trade, increase U.S. pork exports and grow jobs in Nebraska.

"Today's Senate vote is an important step to passing TPA and expanding U.S. agricultural exports," said C. Larry Pope, President and CEO of Smithfield Foods. "Trade is critical to U.S. agriculture. Since we began negotiating free trade deals, U.S. agricultural exports have nearly quadrupled in value. Passing TPA will create extraordinary opportunity for our company, our employees, and for farmers and manufacturers throughout the state, and we strongly encourage Congress and the President to act swiftly."

TPA is critical to ensuring U.S. food producers get the best possible outcomes as the U.S. negotiates two ambitious trade agreements: Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). These deals have incredible potential to open the market to U.S. pork products in key countries, such as Japan, Mexico and Vietnam, and to create more U.S. jobs.

About Smithfield Foods

Smithfield Foods is a $15 billion global food company and the world's largest pork processor and hog producer. In the United States, the company is also the leader in numerous packaged meats categories with popular brands including Smithfield®, Eckrich®, Farmland®, Armour®, Cook's®, John Morrell®, Gwaltney®, Nathan's Famous®, Kretschmar®, Margherita®, Curly's®, Carando® and Healthy Ones®. Smithfield Foods is committed to providing good food in a responsible way and maintains robust animal care, community involvement, employee safety, environmental and food safety and quality programs. For more information, visit and



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