SAS has entered into an agreement with the Swedish Pilot Union (SPF)

SAS has today signed a new modern collective bargain agreement with the Swedish
pilot union SPF. The negotiations have reached the targets within set timeframe
and thus there will be no industrial action by the pilots in Sweden. SAS has now
reached agreements with three of the four pilot unions on new contracts, which
means that most of the SAS pilots are now covered by the new Scandinavian
collective bargain agreement.
SAS’ objective is to invest in the aircrafts of the future, destinations and
services that meet customers’ demand. Therefore, it is required that SAS adapts
the collective bargain agreements to today’s competitive environment.

– It is pleasing that we have entered into a new agreement and with that avoid a
strike in Sweden. We are now doing everything we can for customers and serve
them in the way they expect.I value the experienced and skilled pilots we have
at SAS and it is therefore we will continue to have collective bargain
agreements according to the Scandinavian model says, Rickard Gustafson,
President and CEO of SAS.

- It has been a very long process and we are now satisfied with the new
agreement which will secure job opportunities for our members. We have together
after a tough negotiation agreed on a solution, says Peter Larsson, Chairman SPF

The new collective bargain agreement is valid for two years and shall enter into
force on 21 May 2015.

SAS had as a preventative measure cancelled a limited number of flights to avoid
having travelers being stranded in the event of a strike. We hope to return to
normal traffic in Sweden as soon as possible.

For more information please contact:
SAS press office
+46 8 797 29 44

