eMoneyUnion announce the perfect union.

eMoneyUnion are excited to announce the appointment of Derek Zissman, Sir John Hegarty and Tom Teichman to their team. As part of that appointment, the three will also be making a six figure investment.

MANCHESTER ENGLAND, May 27, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - eMoneyUnion has assembled the leading figures from three distinct yet relevant industries to provide the perfect cocktail to ensure the success of this disruptive business.

Lee Birkett said:

  • "This is a real coup for the business. It is testimony of our credibility and opportunity that we can bring such great people to be part of the Union."
eMoneyUnion is a 'peer to peer' lender. Peer to peer lending is predicted to become a £45BN billion market on the back of government incentives, new legislation, technology and of course a real consumer appetite for better value and experience. Derek Zissman, a former Vice-Chairman of KPMG,
co-founder of KPMG's UK and US Private Equity Group and a former member of Barclays Wealth advisory board said:
  • "It seems to me that there is huge demand for new ways of borrowing and lending and eMoneyUnion has the credentials to make a success of this exciting opportunity".
Sir John Hegarty, Advertising legend and founder of Global agency Bartle Bogle and Hegarty said:
  • "We are always looking for business and brands to disrupt the market just as Spotify transformed music buying and Uber transformed car transport. I can't think of a market more ripe for disruption, nor a company better placed to do it."
Again, Lee Birkett commented:
  • "We can do everything traditional banks and building societies can do, only better. We are there to serve borrowers and lenders, not sell to them. If we can make sure they can help each other easily, we can become the new financial co-operative movement."
The team means eMoneyUnion has three key parts of the mix needed to succeed - financial knowledge, industry credibility and marketing expertise. Tom Teichman, one of Europe's most accomplished Venture Capitalists said:
  • "We liked eMoneyUnion of all the P2P players we met because they felt the most financially savvy and experienced. Derek's credentials demonstrate that. I think they liked us because we have the marketing savvy. It's the perfect union."

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://uk.prweb.com/releases/2015/05/prweb12739944.htm


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