JSC Latvijas Gāze unaudited Financial Report of 3 months of 2015

In 3 months of the year 2015, the JSC Latvijas Gāze sold to the consumers 422 million m3 of natural gas. In comparison with the respective period of 20134 the natural gas sales decreased by 13.6 % due to the differences in outdoor air temperature and investments by heat supply companies in the use of renewable energy resources and a partial replacement of fossil fuels with woodchip.

Over 3 months of 2015, the consumers were sold natural gas and provided services for EUR 158.1 million, which is by 15.4 % less than in the respective period of 2014.

The decrease of income year-on-year stems from the lower natural gas sales volume and lower tariffs. The income saw decrease both in the industrial and household sector.

The Company completed 3 months of 2015 with a profit of EUR 1.5 million, which is 71.1% lower than in the respective period 2014 when the Company profited EUR 5.2 million.

Within the framework of the capital investment programme, EUR 4.7 million of investment funds was spent over 3 months of 2015, mostly on the renovation of gas transmission and distribution pipelines and the reconstruction of wells.



         Vinsents Makaris
         Phone + (371) 67 369 144
         E-mail: IR@lg.lv

