Temporary senior management change

Mathias Hermansson will be taking a sabbatical from his role as MTG Chief
Financial Officer between 18 June and 18 December 2015. MTG Head of Group
Finance Maria Redin, who has been with MTG for 11 years, will become Acting
Chief Financial Officer and take on the majority of Mathias’s responsibilities
while he is away. Mathias will continue to be involved in a few key projects
during this period.
“After 16 years with MTG and 9 years as Group CFO, Mathias is taking some time
now to spend with his young and growing family, before returning to his current
full term role with us at the end of the year. Maria is an able and proven
deputy, and we look forward to working with Maria in her temporary new role as
she steps into Mathias’s shoes to ensure that we maintain the direction and
speed of our development and transformation.”

Jørgen Madsen Lindemann, MTG President and CEO
Any questions?
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-Group/184644878213403?fref=ts): facebook.com/MTGAB
 (https://www.facebook.com/MTGAB?fref=ts)Twitter (https://twitter.com/MTGAB):
MTGAB&tw_p=followbutton&variant=2.0)press@mtg.com (or Per Lorentz 46 73 699 27
investors@mtg.com (or Stefan Lycke 46 73 699 27 14)
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) is an international entertainment group.
Our operations span six continents and include TV channels and platforms, online
services, content production businesses and radio stations. We are also the
largest shareholder in CTC Media, which is Russia’s leading independent media
company. Our shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).

The information in this announcement is that which MTG is required to disclose
according to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading
Act, and was released at 09.00 CET on 4 June 2015.

