Source: Soloman Chiropractic

New Digital X-Ray Machine Brings Powerful Tech to Soloman Chiropractic

PHOENIX, June 22, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Mike Soloman of Soloman Chiropractic in Phoenix, Ariz., is excited to announce the addition of a new digital X-ray machine, the iDR-34 Dual Zone Capture to the practice. Dr. Soloman believes the new technology presented in this new X-ray machine will help transform the diagnostic abilities of his practice by allowing chiropractors to view the entire spine in HD resolution.

There are many features that set the iDR-34 Dual Zone Capture apart from other X-ray devices currently available in today's market. Dr. Soloman is particularly excited about one of these features, stating that "We are going to be able to capture images of someone's whole spine in just two exposures — and in HD resolution!"

This is possible because the iDR-34 Dual Zone Capture offers the ability to use regional scanning as well as long length spinal images. In the field of chiropractic medicine, this means that chiropractors can use the X-ray machine for various regions in only two exposures rather than requiring multiple exposures like other X-ray devices.

Dr. Soloman is no stranger to technology; he was an early adopter of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) at Soloman Chiropractic in Phoenix, back in 1994. He believes that the new X-ray machine is, in his words, "One of the most cutting-edge products on the market today."

In addition to the image quality and resolution, the iDR-34 Dual Zone Capture is a high-energy, low-dose device that uses ICE-3 enhancement processing so that there is adequate balance between soft tissue and the bone structure presented in the images.

From a diagnostic perspective, the device offers more than 65,500 shades of gray to create amazingly accurate images in 16-bit resolution. "This makes the diagnostic process so much simpler, especially when combined with the ability to get a full spine image in one exposure rather than attempting to stitch three or more exposures together for a full picture of what's going on with the patient's spine," according to Dr. Soloman.

Dr. Soloman believes that adopting this new technology will be a game changer for his patients and his practice. "The improved imaging capabilities allow me to see and diagnose potential problem areas quickly and effectively," confirms Dr. Soloman, "meaning that I may be able to offer corrective treatment options and alternatives much earlier than in the past."

Patients interested in the new X-ray machine are invited to schedule an appointment at Soloman Chiropractic, conveniently located on the corner of 12 St. and East Missouri Avenue in Phoenix.

About Soloman Chiropractic

Soloman Chiropractic uses Network Spinal Analysis in its practice of chiropractic medicine. Dr. Soloman is currently one of only two NSA practitioners in the state of Arizona with a Level Three Certification. Dr. Soloman is also honored to be a member of the international teaching staff for Network Spinal Analysis seminars.