Source: Boyd Group International

The Four Most Important Days in Aviation Planning to Take Place in Las Vegas, Featuring a Series of Events Illuminating the Future

EVERGREEN, Colo., June 25, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beginning on August 29th, aviation leaders from around the globe will gather in Las Vegas to participate in the industry’s most advanced series of forecast and planning events.

The main function will be the 20th Annual Boyd Group International Aviation Forecast Summit, which begins on the evening of August 30th, and over the next two days will feature incisive presentations from airline and industry CEOs and executives addressing the challenges and opportunities of the future. These will encompass airline strategy trends, changes in global fleet mixes, airport traffic forecasts, and other major changes impacting aviation. These insights will be the independent views of over 30 aviation decision-makers.

“The Summit explores and illuminates emerging trends and delivers actual forecasts that the delegates can immediately utilize,” stated Michael Boyd, president. This information provides crucial insights for airports, suppliers, financial institutions and airline planners. “For just one example, the US enplanement forecasts at this year’s Summit indicate a much more robust traffic picture for many airports than the FAA is predicting. We see very exciting airline capacity trends in several regions,” Boyd added.

The optional Aviation Issues Workshop Program on the afternoon of August 30th  addresses the key issues for the industry. One session will include the future of UAVs as part of the transportation system. Another Workshop will have airline executives exchanging ideas regarding the much-reported “pilot shortage.”  Additional sessions explore the new realities developing air service access for communities of all sizes, the challenges with the FAA’s NextGen ATC program, new breakthroughs in airport IT systems, and a special session on dealing with the media in an “instant-on” social media world.

The first China-US Aviation Opportunities Symposium is held the day before the start of the IAFS.  It is designed to assist communities, airports, and cities in building a “China Plan” that raises their profiles among companies and tour operators in the Middle Kingdom.  Delivered on a team-approach by experts on all areas of the subject matter, the Symposium will focus on the as-yet-unrecognized revenue bonanza for communities of all sizes.  With Chinese leisure travel expected to grow across America to over 10 million visitors by 2020, and Chinese businesses increasingly looking to invest in the US, the Symposium will deliver whole new concepts on how communities can posture themselves to attract a larger share of this new investment trend.

The Symposium will provide specific steps needed for the outreach to Chinese companies and to capture a bigger share of the new segment. The concept of China-Welcome™ will be explored, which includes both aggressive outreach channels and cultural issues that will showcase the airport and community.

Registration for the 20th Annual International Aviation Forecast Summit, as well as the China-US Aviation Opportunities Symposium can be done on-line by logging on to