Source: Industry Training Authority

Stronger Industry Relationships to Set Up BC for Success in the Skilled Trade Sector

ITA's Industry Engagement Framework Is in Place to Strengthen Relationships With Employers in BC

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwired - July 06, 2015) - Since the introduction of B.C.'S Skills for Jobs Blueprint and the McDonald Report, the Industry Training Authority (ITA) has been leading the transition plan to prepare the province for the economic boom and the growing demand for skilled trades people in the workforce. A part of this plan focuses on strengthening relationships with industry members, including large, medium and small businesses and influential associations, to ensure that they continue to provide relevant training and are able to respond effectively to labour market needs.

The 11 Sector Advisory Groups have the essential role of advising government and ITA on industry-specific needs that are important to skills training in the province. These groups will meet three to four times per year with a skills training report for each sector published in March 2016.

ITA's four Managers of Industry Relations are working directly with the industry members on a day- to-day basis to keep trades training relevant to industry trends. Further to the 11 Sector Advisory Groups, ITA will also ensure other sectors have the opportunity to provide input through surveys, events and meetings.

To engage with medium and small businesses, ITA is working to collaborate with the BC Chamber of Commerce and Small Business BC to reach out to employers to highlight the importance of and encourage participation in apprenticeship programs through education and workshops around the province.

"We are committed to understanding the needs and concerns of all industry stakeholders," says Gary Herman, CEO, ITA. "Large, medium and small businesses are all integral to the growth of BC's economy and we are excited to work with them in preparing employers, workers, and apprentices for a bright future in trades."

“In order to meet B.C.’s future labour market demands, it is important for employers to support and help strengthen the apprenticeship system so that British Columbians can get the skills they need for the jobs of the future,” says Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour. “The Industry Training Authority is taking steps to engage with businesses of all sizes to ensure that trades training in B.C. aligns with both industry and community needs.”

About the Industry Training Authority

The Industry Training Authority (ITA) leads and coordinates British Columbia's skilled trades system. ITA works with employers, employees, industry, labour, training providers and government to issue credentials, manage apprenticeships, set program standards and increase opportunities in the trades. ITA is also a key collaborator in the B.C.'s Skills for Jobs Blueprint, which sets out a plan for re-engineering our education and training system to support our growing and changing economy, and to help British Columbians take full advantage of the opportunities presented by these changes.

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Susan Kirk
Director of Communications
Tel: 778-785-2410
Cell: 604-307-2122

Kyla Way
Edelman Vancouver
Tel: 604-648-3447
Cell: 604-613-6413