For the First Time in Veterinary Medicine: The PetPace Smart Collar Monitors Real-Time Body Posture in a Critically Injured Patient

PetPace Smart IoT collar for pets plays a key role in helping emergency personnel ease breathing difficulties for a hit by car canine patient. In this newly-released case study, the PetPace health and activity monitor aided veterinary professionals with real-time monitoring of body positions and vital signs of a four-year-old Chihuahua after suspicion of internal chest injuries arose.

BOSTON, Mass., July 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - PetPace, the provider of an innovative IoT collar for remote real-time monitoring and analysis of pet vital signs and activity, today released the findings of a new medical case study. The PetPace HBC case study, available for download here, documents in detail how the PetPace wearable technology provided crucial posture monitoring to alleviate breathing difficulties for a four-year-old Chihuahua that had been hit by a car.

Following the accident, the patient, Jade, was hospitalized for treatment and close observation. Jade was breathing heavily, which raised clinical suspicion of an internal chest injury. To alleviate her breathing, she was placed on her belly. If allowed to lie on her side, she became distressed and her breathing labored.

In patients with labored breathing, fundamental medical care involves easing the mechanical effort of ventilation through optimal body positioning. When lying on its side, an animal's body weight pushes down on the lungs on the underside, limiting their ability to expand and take in oxygen. While this limitation is negligible for a healthy resting dog or cat, it may become life-threatening when the pet is sick and already struggling to breath.

To prevent her breathing from deteriorating if she rolled on her side, a PetPace smart collar was placed on Jade. The PetPace health and activity monitor provided minute-by-minute readings of her posture, and automatically alerted hospital staff when she rolled. Upon receiving notice of such an event, caretakers would immediately move her back to her belly, alleviating her labored breathing.

Despite best efforts, it is nearly impossible to provide all hospitalized patients with constant medical observation. Medical staff, including veterinarians and veterinary technicians, must care for multiple pets. It is often a challenge to immediately detect every change in every patient. The PetPace smart collar offers a combination of continuous telemetric monitoring and an accessible data display to help meet this challenge.

"This case demonstrates the value of real time posture monitoring in a clinical setting. The data gathered by the PetPace collar facilitated timely intervention that prevented worsening of this pet's breathing problem," said Dr. Asaf Dagan, a specialist in canine and feline medicine and surgery, and PetPace's Chief Veterinarian. "In addition, following trends and postural habits of pets at home over time, and detecting deviations from the routine, may help in early diagnosis of conditions causing pain and discomfort," he continued.

"Using the PetPace collar's position data in real time helped us give Jade better care and treatment, and contributed to the good outcome of this case," said Dr. Caitlin Tipton of Lake Wylie, SC, Jade's veterinarian. "The collar provided us with clinically valuable data quickly helping to prevent a life threatening dyspnea," she concluded.

About PetPace

PetPace was founded in 2012 to bring peace of mind to pet owners and prevent unnecessary pain and suffering for dogs and cats through improved pet health and quality of life. PetPace specializes in the remote monitoring of pet vital signs by utilizing advanced analytical methods and alerting models. The company's low power, wireless collar is fitted with an array of sensors that report abnormal vital signs within established physiological and behavioral parameters. Once an abnormal sign or behavior is detected, a sophisticated Cloud-based analytical engine evaluates the signs and if needed, sends an immediate alert regarding any suspected condition. This allows the owner or the vet to take preemptivepre-emptive action to protect the pet's health. For more information about PetPace real-time pet health monitoring, visit

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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