Board and management changes in the European Directories Group

The European Directories Group hereby announces the following management and
board changes.

Group level changes

The European Directories Group CFO Germon Knoop has resigned and he will leave
no later than year-end. Neil Robson joins the Group on 3 August 2015 and will
succeed Germon as Group CFO. Neil has held a number of CFO roles in European
groups including Game Digital in UK prior to its listing on the London market.

European Directories MidCo S.à r.l.

As per 29 July 2015, Peder Prahl has replaced Nadia Meier-Kirner on the board of
European Directories MidCo S.à r.l., registered with the Luxembourg RCS under
number B-155418, the parent of European Directories BondCo S.C.A., registered
with the Luxembourg RCS under number B-181401, and the sole owner of European
Directories GP S.à r.l., registered with the Luxembourg RCS under number B
-181385. As per 29 July 2015, the board of European Directories MidCo S.à r.l.
consists of the following members: Hannu Syrjänen (Chairman), David Anderson,
Björn Osterloff, Peder Prahl, Marco Sodi, Fabrice Rota and Sébastien Rimlinger.

European Directories GP S.à r.l.

As per 29 July 2015, Thomas Sonnenberg has replaced Ruth Linz as manager of
European Directories GP S.à r.l., the general partner of European Directories
BondCo S.C.A..

The changes will be registered to the Luxembourg RCS as soon as possible.

For further information, please contact:

Krista Koskinen
Group Legal Counsel

Tel. 31 20 487 36 88

European Directories Group is an online partner for SMEs offering local search
and lead generation with a scalable business model. The European Directories
Group operates through three main brands: Fonecta in Finland, HEROLD in Austria
and DTG in the Netherlands. More information about the European Directories
Group can be found at

The information in this announcement is required to be disclosed by European
Directories BondCo S.C.A. under the Swedish Securities Markets Act (Sw. lagen om
värdepappersmarknaden) and article 1 point 9(b) of the Luxembourg law of 11
January 2008 relating to transparency requirements for issuers of securities and
article 2 of the Grand-Ducal regulation of 11 January 2008 relating to
transparency requirements for issuers of securities. This information was
released for publication at 20:00 CET on 30 July 2015.