Press release                                          Stockholm 2015-08-20

Aligera holding AB (publ) HAS recived A Green bond “second opinion” from Cicero.
The bond will on the 24 OF August change list to Nasdaq stockholm’s new
sustainabale corporate bond list.
Cicero has carried out a second opinion on Aligera Holding's existing corporate
bond of SEK 500m maturing May 7, 2019 (ISIN: SE0005933231). Cicero is a
Norwegian independent climate research foundation and is the market leader for
carrying out second opinions based on the Green Bond principals.
For further information, please contact

Kristoffer Löfgren, VD
Tel: +46 (0)708-61 49 68
Aligera Holding AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to
the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments
Trading Act. The information was released for publication on 20 August 2015 at


Aligera Holding AB (publ) is an investment company with exclusive focus on
renewable energy. The firm operates, owns and invests solely in fully developed
wind turbines. Aligera Holding was founded in 2009 with the ambitions of
developing a sustainable future producing green energy. The firm values
transparency and shall invest both time and money in order to build a portfolio
of wind turbines in sought after areas.

Aligera Holding AB, Kungsgatan 28, 411 19 Göteborg, 556909-1704,

