Reporting of transactions involving shares in Ambu A/S


In pursuance of Section 28 a, Subsection 5 of the Danish Securities Trading Act (Værdipapirhandelsloven), Ambu A/S hereby reports the following information which the company has received on 19 August 2015:


Name Jakob Bønnelykke Kristensen
Reason Employee-elected Board member of Ambu A/S
Company name Ambu A/S
ID code and designation of securities concerned DK0060591204
B shares
Nature of transaction Exercise of warrants granted in 2012
Trading date and market 19 August 2015 via OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen
No. of shares traded and market price thereof 2000 shares at a market price of DKK 79,000







20082015 Jakob B Kristensen EN.pdf