Nasdaq Baltic investor calendar - week 35/2015

Riga, Latvia, 2015-08-24 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

Date Event Ticker Issuer Market
24.08.2015 Government securities auction LTGB007020B Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybė VLN
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months PKG1T Pro Kapital Grupp TLN
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months MOKB120015AB Moda Kapitāls AS RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months VIAS130016A VIA SMS group RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months RTB070019B Rietumu Banka RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 12 months LNA1L Linas Agro Group VLN
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months ABLV ABLV Bank RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months TMA1R Talsu mezrupnieciba RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months SKN1T Skano Group TLN
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months EXPC ExpressCredit RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months GRZ1R Grobiņa RIG
24.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months PRX Reverta RIG
25.08.2015 Coupon payment date EXPC140018A ExpressCredit RIG
25.08.2015 Nominal value change EXPC140018A ExpressCredit RIG
25.08.2015 Coupon payment date EXPC150020A ExpressCredit RIG
25.08.2015 Coupon payment date VIAS130016A VIA SMS group RIG
25.08.2015 Extraordinary General Meeting KNF1L Klaipėdos nafta VLN
25.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months LJM1R Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs RIG
25.08.2015 -
Interim report, 6 months RER1R Rīgas elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca RIG
26.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months LOK1R Daugavpils Lokomotīvju remonta rūpnīca RIG
27.08.2015 Investors event LINDA Linda Nektar TLN
27.08.2015 Capital decrease ex-date PRF1T PRFoods TLN
27.08.2015 Extraordinary General Meeting LJL1L Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė VLN
28.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months VNF1R Ventspils nafta RIG
28.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months LSC1R Latvijas kuģniecība RIG
28.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months GRD1R Grindeks RIG
28.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months PTR1L Panevėžio statybos trestas VLN
28.08.2015 Interim report, 6 months VLP1L Vilkyškių pieninė VLN
28.08.2015 Capital decrease record date PRF1T PRFoods TLN


For more information please visit full investor calendar:


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Nasdaq Baltic is a common name for exchanges, regulated markets, alternative markets First North operated by NASDAQ OMX companies in the Baltic states, i.e. NASDAQ OMX Tallinn AS, NASDAQ OMX Riga AS and AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.