Annual General Meeting for BoConcept Holding A/S held on 27 August 2015

The shareholders of BoConcept Holding A/S held their annual general meeting on this date.

Agenda items 1 to 4 were considered and approved in accordance with the material submitted.

No dividend will be distributed for the 2014/2015 financial year.

Under the heading of supervisory board elections, agenda item 5, all members of the supervisory board elected by the shareholders in general meeting were re-elected.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab were re-appointed auditors of the company as proposed under agenda item 6.

The board's power to convert B-shares from being bearer shares to registered shares as well as extensions of time concerning § 7C (1), 7C (2) and § 7D, agenda item 7, was approved.

Following the general meeting, the supervisory board held its first meeting, and Peter Thorsen was elected chairman and Viggo Mølholm deputy chairman of the supervisory board.


Herning, 27 August 2015

         Please direct any questions to the executive board on telephone +45 7013 1366.


Generalforsamling 2015 ref_gb.pdf