Moda Kapitāls Financial Statement Release

JSC "Moda kapitals" unaudited results for the 6 months of 2015.

  JSC "Moda kapitals" unaudited finansial results for the first 6 months of 2015: * Neto loses 50.005,00 EUR (6 month of 2014: Neto loses 59.846,00 EUR) * Neto revenue 456.709,00 (6 month of 2014 Neto revenue 418.886,00 EUR )

The principal activity of AS Moda Kapitals (further - Company) is issuance of short-term loans against a pledge of movable  property, real estate and issuance of consumer loans, as well as trading of precious metals and little-used wide range of home appliances and electronics.

 A process that changed the Company's loan portfolio structure already started in 2013 and continued in the beggining of 2015. There was a decrease in the share of micro loan portfolio, i.e. loans against movable collateral, which has led to a negative impact of the company's financial results and income. The company predicts that a similar situation could persist in the future; therefore, consumer lending is being developed more actively. We expect that it will provide results in the last six month of 2015.

The Company is actively planning to start a new customer services and at the second half of year 2015 we will increase trade assortment of little-used home appliances and electronics, as well as assortment of jewelery.


    01.01.2015- 01.01.2014-  
    30.06.2015 30.06.2014
    EUR   EUR  
Revenue 0 456,709 418,886  
Finance income 0 679,796 697,508  
Cost of sales 0 (368,127) (301,442)  
Finance costs 0 (214,290) (203,114)  
Gross profit   554,088 611,838  
Distribution expenses 0 (435,845) (477,475)  
Administrative expenses 0 (190,440) (179,202)  
Other income 0 16,069 10,715  
Other expenses 0 (2,291) (23,152)  
Loss before Income tax   (58,419) (57,276)  
Corporate income tax 0 8,414 (2,570)  
Net loss for the period   (50,005) (59,846)  
Other comprehensive income   - -  
Total comprehensive loss for the period   (50,005) (59,846)  



    30.06.2015. 31.12.2014.  
  Notes EUR   EUR  
Non-current assets          
Intangible assets   6,641 22,675  
Property, plant and equipment (1) 698,233 740 343  
Other non-current assets   142   142  
Total non-current assets:   705,016 763,160  
Current assets          
Inventories 0 895,114 1,003,405  
Loans and trade receivables (2) 2,667,605 2,536,875  
Other current assets 0 38,506 42,720  
Corporate income tax 0 1,600 6,436  
Cash and cash equivalents 0 142,838   75,422  
Total current assets:   3,745,663 3,664,858  
Total assets:   4,450,679 4,428,018  
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES   30.06.2015. 31.12.2014.  
    EUR   EUR  
Share capital 0 426,862 426,862  
Revaluation reserves of non-current assets (1) 133,288 133,288  
Retained earnings/ (accumulated deficit)   (179,484)   (129,479)  
Total equity:   380,666 430,671  
Non-current liabilities:          
Borrowings (3) 32,466 52,862  
Deferred income tax liabilities 0 14,758   23,172  
Total non-current liabilities:   47,224 76,034  
Current liabilities:          
Borrowings (3) 3,884,825 3,797,652  
Trade and other payables 0 137,964   123,661  
Total current liabilities:   4,022,789 3,921,313  
Total liabilities:   4,070,013 3,997,347  
Total equity and liabilities:   4,450,679 4,428,018  


         Guntars Zvinis
         Member of the Board
         JSC Moda Kapitals
