Resolutions of the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting held on 15th of September, 2015

1. Revocation of Auditors

RESOLUTION (unanimously accepted):

Recall the company's firm of auditors UAB ,,Grant Thornton Rimess”.

2. Election of the firm of auditors and establishment of terms of remuneration for audit services.

RESOLUTION (unanimously accepted):

Elect audit company „KPMG Baltics“ UAB to the position of the auditors of Vilniaus degtinė AB for 2015.

Authorise the Company's Managing Director (CEO) to sign service provision agreement with the Company's auditor „KPMG Baltics“ UAB with regard to execution of the audit of Annual Financial Statements 2015, paying for the services the price agreed by the parties.

3. Guarantee of fulfilment of obligations of third persons.

RESOLUTION (unanimously accepted):

According to the fact, that UAB “Belvedere prekyba” guarantees for fulfilment of various obligations of AB “Vilniaus degtinė”, to approve decision of the Board to secure all obligations of UAB “Belvedere prekyba” to AB DNB bank, which arise from 2013-12-23 Overdraft agreement No. 4229-13SKL, with maximum mortgage/pledge of AB “Vilniaus degtinė” fixed assets, which are specified in 2015-08-18 Amendment No. 2 concluded between UAB “Belvedere prekyba” and AB DNB bank.

4. New edition of the mortgage/pledge of the fixed assets

RESOLUTION (unanimously accepted):

According to  Amendment of 2008-09-29 Loan Agreement No. K-2400-2008-464, by which are withdrawn mortgage of AB „Vilniaus degtinė“ fixed assets, which are stated in the amendment, and the agreement laid down in new edition. To conclude amendments of registered mortgage/pledge agreements, which correspond to requirements stated in new wording of the loan agreement by setting maximum mortgage/pledge.



General Manager

Juozas Daunys

8 5 233 0819