Roblon A/S : Interim report for Q3 2014/15

Interim report for Q3 2014/15 and
the period 1 November 2014 to 31 July 2015

Roblon lowers expectations for 2014/15


  • Revenue amounted to DKK 169.4 million (185.3 million)
        o    Revenue  for Q3  amounted to DKK 56.8 million (60.5 million) 
  • Revenue fell in the "TWM", "Cable and cable machinery" and "Lighting" product groups, but increased in the "Offshore and other industry" product group
  • Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to DKK 21.0 million (32.7 million)
        o    Operating profit (EBIT) for Q3 amounted to DKK 1.7 million (10.6 million) 
  • Profit before tax amounted to DKK 23.0 million (33.9 million)
        o    Profit before tax for Q3 amounted to DKK 2.2 million (11.2 million) 
  • The gross margin, which was 56.2% (59%), was negatively affected by the development in the product mix and a higher stock write-down
  • The EBIT margin was 12.4% (17.6%) 
  • As of 11 August 2015, the company's CFO, Carsten Michno, is the acting managing director. A process to recruit a new managing director has begun. 
  • The management team has lowered its expectations for both revenue and profit before tax; the former from DKK 250-280 million to DKK 220-230 million and the latter from DKK 40-50 million to DKK 20-25 million. Alongside the lower expected revenue in Q4, the profit for the year will also be negatively affected by the severance package for the former managing director, which is expected to cost DKK 7 million.

Frederikshavn, 17 September 2015

Roblon A/S 

Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen                Carsten Michno
Chairman of the Board               Acting Managing Director



Interim Report for Q3 2014/15.pdf