Re: Notice of Redemption to the holders of €225,000,000 Senior Secured Floating
Rate Notes due 2019 and to the holders of SEK 1,300,000,000 Senior Secured
Floating Rate Notes due 2019
The Issuer gives notice to the holders of its €225,000,000 Senior Secured
Floating Rate Notes due 2019 (ISIN: XS0941772609 / XS0940971855; Common Code:
094177260/ 094097185) (the “EUR Senior Secured Notes”) and to the holders of its
SEK 1,300,000,000 Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2019 (ISIN:
XS0941772948/ XS0940979676; Common Code: 094177294/ 094097967) (the “SEK Senior
Secured Notes”) of the redemption of €225,000,000 of the aggregate principal
amount of outstanding EUR Senior Secured Notes (the “EUR Redeemed Notes”) and of
SEK 1,300,000,000 of the aggregate principal amount of outstanding SEK Senior
Secured Notes (the “SEK Redeemed Notes”, and together with the EUR Redeemed
Notes, the “Redeemed Notes”).

The redemption date for the Redeemed Notes will be October 22, 2015 (the
“Redemption Date”) and the record date will be October 21, 2015, unless
postponed by the Issuer as set forth in this notice.

The redemption price of the EUR Redeemed Notes is 100.00% of the aggregate
principal amount of the EUR Redeemed Notes, plus accrued and unpaid interest and
additional amounts, if any, to, but not including, the Redemption Date. The
aggregate redemption amount for the EUR Redeemed Notes is expected to be
€226,147,462.50, which comprises (i) 100.00% of the principal amount of
€225,000,000, amounting to €225,000,000, and (ii) accrued and unpaid interest
and additional amounts, if any, to, but not including, the Redemption Date
occurring on October 22, 2015, amounting to €1,147,462.50 (together, the “EUR
Senior Secured Notes Redemption Amount”).

The redemption price of the SEK Redeemed Notes is 101.00% of the aggregate
principal amount of the SEK Redeemed Notes, plus accrued and unpaid interest and
additional amounts, if any, to, but not including, the Redemption Date. The
aggregate redemption amount for the SEK Redeemed Notes is expected to be SEK
1,319,795,461.11, which comprises (i) 101.00% of the principal amount of SEK
1,300,000,000, amounting to SEK 1,313,000,000, and (ii) accrued and unpaid
interest and additional amounts, if any, to, but not including, the Redemption
Date occurring on October 22, 2015, amounting to SEK  6,795,461.11 (together,
the “SEK Senior Secured Notes Redemption Amount”, and together with the EUR
Senior Secured Notes Redemption Amount, the “Redemption Amount”).

The redemption of the Redeemed Notes is conditional upon (i) the closing of an
equity offering of the Issuer on Nasdaq Stockholm on or prior to October 21,
2015, (ii) the drawing of sufficient funds by the Issuer or any of its
Subsidiaries under a financing agreement dated September 4, 2015 to redeem the
Redeemed Notes and (iii) receipt by the Paying Agent of sufficient funds to pay
the Redemption Amount payable to the Holders on or before the Redemption Date
(together, the “Transactions”). In the event that, in the Issuer’s reasonable
belief, the Transactions will be completed at least 30 days, but not more than
60 days, after the date of this notice, the Issuer may postpone the Redemption
Date to a date which is not less than 30 days, but not more than 60 days, after
the date of this notice, provided that the Redemption Date shall not be later
than 30 days after the closing of the Transactions.

Enquiries about the above notice should be directed to the Issuer as set out
Bravida Holding AB (Publ)
Mikrofonvägen 28
126-81 Stockholm
Sweden Attention: Nils-Johan Andersson, Chief Financial Officer

This notice is of such character, which the Issuer shall disclose in accordance
with the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and the Swedish law on Trading
with Financial Instruments (1991:980). This notice was distributed for
disclosure on September 21, 2015 at 07:30 a.m.

