Roblon A/S : Roblon A/S is expanding its Executive Board

Roblon A/S is expanding its Executive Board 

The Board wishes to strengthen the company for future development and expansion and has therefore as per 21 September 2015 decided to expand its Executive Board by Technical Manager Kim Müller who will be registered as Director (COO). 

Kim Müller, 46 years old, has been employed for more than 20 years at Roblon and has over the years been responsible for a variety of management tasks in production, development, quality control, and purchasing. 

As mentioned in Announcement No 8 the Board has started a process to recruit a new CEO. Until a new CEO has been found the Executive Board is managed by CFO Carsten Michno, who is Acting Managing Director, and COO Kim Müller. 

Frederikshavn, 21 September 2015 

Roblon A/S 

Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen                              Carsten Michno
Chairman of the Board                             Acting Managing Director 



Roblon is expanding its Executive Board.pdf