Castellum invests on Kungsholmen in Stockholm

  · Strategic move to establish a presence on Kungsholmen.
  · The acquisition is in line with our portfolio upgrades.
The Castellum AB subsidiary, Fastighets AB Brostaden, has acquired the Hornsberg
10 property, totalling approx. 14,900 sq.m. on the island of western Kungsholmen
in Stockholm. The investment amounted to SEKm 421 and change of possession is to
take place September 23, 2015.

The property comprises three interconnected buildings with approx. 9,500 office
premises, 2,000 sq.m. of retail area, 1,400 sq.m. in laboratory facilities, and
a 400 sq.m. restaurant space. Remaining areas cover warehousing and storage.
Current occupancy rate is 95%.

”This is our first foray into establishing a presence on Kungsholmen and the
move confirms the portfolio upgrade currently taking place at Castellum”, says
Henrik Saxborn, CEO at Castellum AB. “The acquisition implies that we’re growing
in a strategically interesting area – western Kungsholmen – where several larger
companies have chosen to locate their headquarters. The property offers
potential development possibilities and we’ll be happy to take them on.”

In the Smista area, which has been developed into one of greater Stockholm’s
strongest cluster for car sale, Brostaden has started a fully let extension of
1,165 sq.m. repair and sales premises in a property totalling 1,390 sq.m. for an
existing customer. The investment is calculated to SEKm 19, of which SEKm 1
refers to own land, and to be completed during the second quarter 2016.

   In Botkyrka Brostaden has started a reconstruction of warehouse and office
premises for an existing customer. The investment is calculated to SEKm 17 and
to be completed at the year-end 2015/2016.

In central Lund Fastighets AB Briggen has started a reconstruction of 2,320
sq.m. in a retail property. The new premises are fully let and the investment is
calculated to SEKm 22 and to be completed during the fourth quarter 2015.

Castellum AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

For further information, please contact

Henrik Saxborn, CEO, phone +46 31-60 74 50

Ulrika Danielsson, CFO, mobile +46 706-47 12 61

Castellum is one of the major listed real estate companies in Sweden. The fair
value of the real estate portfolio amounts to approx. SEK 40 billion, and
comprises premises for office, retail, warehouse and industrial purposes with a
total lettable area of approx 3.4 million sq.m. The real estate portfolio is
owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries with strong local roots in
five growth regions: Greater Gothenburg, the Öresund Region, Greater Stockholm,
Mälardalen and Eastern Götaland.

Castellum is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm Large Cap.

Castellum AB (publ), Box 2269, SE-403 14 Göteborg | Org nr/Corp Id no SE 556475
-5550 | Phone +46 31 60 74 00 Fax +46 31 13 17 55

