Roblon A/S : Financial Calendar

Financial Calendar 

Roblon's Board of Directors has determined the following dates for general meetings and publication of statements:

      Thursday, 14 January 2016            Preliminary statement 2014/15

      Thursday, 25 February 2016           Annual General Meeting

      Thursday, 31 March 2016               Interim report for Q1 2015/16

      Thursday, 9 June 2016                   Interim report for Q2 2015/16

      Thursday, 8 September 2016           Interim report for Q3 2015/16

      Tuesday, 20 December 2016           Preliminary statement 2015/16 

      Thursday, 26 January 2017             Annual General Meeting

Frederikshavn, 24 September 2015

Roblon A/S 

Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen                             Carsten Michno
Chairman of the Board                            Acting Managing Director



Financial Calendar.pdf