Management of myFC increases its holding in the company

During the summer, the management of myFC Holding AB has increased its holdings
in the company by acquisition of stock options and shares.
The three executives of myFC Holding AB, the CEO, CFO and CTO, have during the
summer and autumn of 2015 increased their holdings of stock options and shares
in myFC, and now own altogether over 1.8 million stock options and approximately
115 000 shares.

For more information, please visit, under the page IR/Finansiell
information/Insynshandel (Investor Relations (IR/Financial Information/Insider
Trading). Please note that this site is only available in Swedish.

For further questions, please contact:
Björn Westerholm, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0) 706 56 20 07
About myFC
myFC is a Swedish innovation company that develops energy solutions using fuel
cell technology. The company has launched two portable fuel cell chargers for
small electronics like cell phones, cameras and tablets. Fuel cells use
environmentally friendly technology that enables instant charging from a
depleted battery state without ever needing a wall charge. myFC was founded in
2005, has its head office in Stockholm and was listed on the NASDAQ OMX First
North in May 2014. The company’s Certified Advisor is Remium Nordic AB. To find
out more, please visit

