CORRECTION: Conditional listing of AS "Citadele banka" ordinary B category shares

Nasdaq Riga on November 6, 2015 received application from AS “Citadele banka” about Prospectus supplement that has been approved by the FCMC of Latvia on November 4, 2015 and respective changes. Taking into account the application Nasdaq Riga decision from November 3, 2015 is changed and expressed as follows:

To list AS “Citadele banka” 154 990 240 existing ordinary B category shares and up to 100 000 000 newly issued ordinary B category shares with nominal value of EUR 0.10 on Baltic Main list as of November 23, 2015 after the following conditions are met:

  1. AS “Citadele banka” public offering of ordinary B category shares has been completed according to Prospectus and Prospectus supplement;
  2. increase of share capital in accordance with issue of new B category shares has been recorded in the Commercial Register by Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia;
  3. there is sufficient amount of shares in free float.

The Prospectus was published on October 30, 2015 and is available here. Prospectus supplement attached.

Nasdaq Baltic
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+371 67 212 431

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