Well attended Capital Markets Day by Hansa Medical

Biopharma Company Hansa Medical AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s main
list (ticker: HMED), held today, November 13, 2015, a Capital Markets Day at
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in Stockholm.
Hansa Medical's CEO Göran Arvidson welcomed everyone to the company's first
Capital Markets Day. On the podium were also some of the world's top experts in
the field of importance to Hansa Medical´s clinical program.

Professor Lars Björck at Lund University spoke about the discovery and the
initial research on Hansa Medical's leading clinical project IdeS, currently in
Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of sensitized kidney transplant

Hansa Medical’s CSO, Dr. Christian Kjellman, gave a scientific overview of IdeS
and its possible indication landscape, including transplantation and acute
autoimmune diseases, while Emanuel Björne, Director, Corporate Development and
Investor Relations, spoke about IdeS potential patient population.

The well-reputed transplantation experts Professor Stanley Jordan at Cedar-Sinai
Medical Center in Los Angeles, Professor Robert A. Montgomery at Johns Hopkins
in Baltimore, and Professor Gunnar Tufveson at Uppsala University Hospital
described the difficulties in transplanting sensitized patients, how the
antibodies affect the patient's ability to be transplanted, as well as their own
experience of desensitization with plasma exchange and IVIg / anti-CD20

Dr. Tufveson furthermore disclosed that to date five patients in the current
Swedish phase II study have been transplanted.

Dr. Tufveson and Dr. Jordan gave their views of how they have worked actively
with IdeS in connection with kidney transplantation and clinical phase II
trials, and how IdeS might improve the quality of life for sensitized patients
currently on dialysis. Dr. Jordan furthermore disclosed data from a patient with
a PRA level of 100% treated with IdeS and transplanted successfully at Cedars
-Sinai in July this year.

Dr. Montgomery described the desensitization and intervention methods currently
in use and underlined the fact that patients who are transplanted in association
with current regimes “have always been in the presence of antibodies”. However,
IdeS has proved to be extremely effective in lowering the antibody presence to
negligible levels in patients with high titer antibodies.

Lena Winstedt and Steven Glazer – CRD and CMO respectively at Hansa Medical -
specified how the company has projected its ongoing and planned studies of IdeS
within transplantation and autoimmune diseases.

Emanuel Björne, Hansa Medicald´s Director Corporate Development and Investors

Informed about HBP-assay and the partnership with Axis-Shield Diagnostic. Axis
-Shield is aiming at launching a clinical chemistry version of the HBP-assay
during first half of 2016.

"Hansa Medical has over the last year passed a number of important milestones,
both scientifically, financially and organizationally. This is an excellent
opportunity for us to provide a better picture of where the company is and where
we are heading. It is a valuable opportunity to communicate with shareholders
and the market and we plan to schedule in similar briefings in the future”, said
Göran Arvidson.

The videotaped presentations from the Capital Markets Day will be posted on
www.hansamedical.com shortly.

The information in this press release is disclosed pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
released for public disclosure on November 13, 2015, at 17.00 CET.
For further information, please contact:
Hansa Medical AB
Göran Arvidson, CEO
Mobile: 46 70-390 85 30
E-mail: goran.arvidson@hansamedical.com
About IdeS
IdeS, a unique molecule with a novel mechanism, is a bacterial enzyme that
cleaves human IgG antibodies. IdeS aims to degrade immunoglobulin G (IgG) and
has been tested for safety and efficacy in numerous in vitro and in vivo models.
During 2013, a Phase I clinical trial on 29 healthy subjects was conducted,
demonstrating IdeS as efficacious and well tolerated with a favourable safety
profile. During 2014, a Phase II study in 8 sensitized patients awaiting kidney
transplantation was conducted. Preliminary data show that IdeS is effective in
reducing anti-HLA antibody levels in highly sensitized patients on the kidney
transplant waitlist. The study shows that IdeS has the capacity to make
sensitized patients eligible for transplantation by decreasing HLA antibodies to
levels acceptable for transplantation. In addition to transplantation, IdeS has
potential applications in a variety of rare autoimmune diseases. IdeS is
protected by several patents and results of studies with IdeS have been
published in a number of peer reviewed medical and scientific journals.

About Hansa Medical AB
Hansa Medical is a biopharmaceutical company focused on novel immunomodulatory
enzymes. Lead project IdeS is an antibody-degrading enzyme in clinical
development, with potential use in transplantation and rare autoimmune diseases.
Other projects include HBP (a market introduced diagnostic marker for severe
sepsis) and EndoS (an antibody-modulating bacterial enzyme in pre-clinical
development). The company is based in Lund, Sweden. Hansa Medical's share
(HMED) is listed on First North Premier in Stockholm with Remium Nordic AB as
Certified Adviser.