West Atlantic AB (publ): Final outcome from written procedure in West Atlantic AB (publ)

On November 2, 2015 a notice to bondholders' meeting by way of procedure in writing was sent to the bondholders in West Atlantic AB (publ) (the "Company") bond issue with ISIN SE0005133360 (the "Bonds"). The time for replies expired on November 16, 2015 and a sufficient number of votes were obtained to form a quorum and the proposed resolution obtained 100% of the votes. The terms and conditions of the Bonds will therefore be amended as set out in the notice to the written procedure; accordingly the Bonds may be redeemed by the Company at any time, in exchange for full interest compensation (make-whole provision) adjusted to net present value calculations, up to and including the previous first call date, May 9 2016.

This information notice is governed by Swedish law and is, for the avoidance of doubt, not an offer to purchase or sell financial instruments.

For further information regarding the Company, please contact:
Gustaf Thureborn, CEO & President                            
Telephone: +46 (0) 10 452 95 07
Email: Gustaf.Thureborn@westatlantic.eu

Magnus Dahlberg, CFO
Telephone: +46 (0) 10 - 452 95 49
E-mail: Magnus.Dahlberg@westatlantic.eu

For further information regarding the bonds, please contact:
Markus Wirenhammar, Head of Debt Capital Markets, Pareto Securities
Telephone: +46 (0) 708 - 72 51 86
E-mail: mw@paretosec.com

About West Atlantic
The West Atlantic Group is one of the market leading providers of dedicated air freight services to European NMOs and air freight capacity to Global Integrators and Freight Forwarders. The Group has a well-established geographic network, based around six logistic hubs, and currently operates 51 scheduled destinations. The aircraft portfolio includes 46 customised aircraft in service, whereof a majority is wholly owned. West Atlantic was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. Operations are performed all over Europe and per December 31 2014 West Atlantic had 488 employees. For 2014 West Atlantic reported revenues of MSEK 1,244 and adjusted EBITDA of MSEK 224.

West Atlantic AB (publ) Org. no: 556503-6083, Box 5433, SE-402 29 Gothenburg, Sweden

Investor Relations: investor.relations@westatlantic.eu
Webpage: www.westatlantic.eu

West Atlantic discloses the information in this release pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instrument Trading Act.  


