Copenhagen Capital A/S – admittance to trading and official listing of new shares due to rights issue

The share capital of Copenhagen Capital A/S has been increased. The admittance of trading and official listing of new shares will take effect as per 20 November 2015 in the ISIN below.


ISIN: DK0060093607
Name: Copenhagen Capital
Volume before change: 23,333,333 shares (DKK 23,333,333)
Change: 11,666,666 shares (DKK 11,666,666)
Volume after change: 34,999,999 shares (DKK 34,999,999)
Subscription price: DKK 1.20
Face value: DKK 1
Short name: CPHCAP
Orderbook ID 43432



For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66



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