Results from the annual general meeting of NunaMinerals A/S under suspension of payments

Nuuk, 2015-11-25 23:22 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On 25 November 2015 at 4pm the annual general meeting of NunaMinerals A/S under suspension of payments ("NunaMinerals" or "the Company"), GER no 21 17 45 48 was held at Hotel Hans Egede according to the notice of annual general meeting of 16 November 2015. On the annual general meeting the following took place:

  1. The company’s annual report for 2014 was approved pursuant to agenda item no 2.
  1. The board of directors’ proposal to transfer the loss for the year in the amount of DKK 87.029m to retained earnings was adopted pursuant to agenda item no 3.
  1. As proposed by the board of directors, Christopher J. Williams, David A. Winduss and Allan R. Biggar was elected as new members of the board of directors.
  1. The remuneration to the board of directors for 2014 and 2015 was approved pursuant to agenda item 5.
  1. Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerskab was re-elected as the company’s auditors pursuant to agenda item no 6.  
  1. The general meeting approved the proposal of the board of directors to reduce the Company's share capital by nominally DKK 2,207,276 from nominally DKK 2,759,094 to nominally DKK 551,818.80 for the purpose of payment of losses by way of decreasing the nominal value of each share from DKK 0.1 to DKK 0.02. The associated amendments to the articles of association, article 3.01, 3A.01, 3A.03 and 7.01, pursuant to agenda item no 7a and subsequent clarification proposal from the board of directors were also approved.
  1. The general meeting approved the proposal of the board of directors to increase the Company's share capital (cash contribution) from nominally DKK 551,818.80 to nominally DKK 2,209,262.26 by subscription for 82,872,173 new shares each of nominally DKK 0.02 to be subscribed for by no later than 5 January 2016, without pre-emptive rights for the existing shareholders, pursuant to agenda item no 7.b and subsequent amendment proposal from the board of directors. The associated amendment to article 3.01 of the articles of association was also approved.
  1. The general meeting approved the proposal of the board of directors to increase the Company’s share capital (by way of conversion of debt) from nominally DKK 2,209,262.26 to a maximum of nominally DKK 3,678,798.80 by subscription for up to 73,476,827 new shares each of nominally DKK 0.02 to be subscribed for by no later than 5 January 2016, without pre-emptive rights for the existing shareholders, pursuant to agenda item 7.c and subsequent amendment proposal from the board of directors. The associated amendment to article 3.01 of the articles of association was also approved.

On behalf of the board of directors.

         Pia Dalziel, Solicitor & Advokat (Denmark) acting for NunaMinerals A/S, +44 (0)20 7553 4070