Tryg A/S – changes in management level

As of 1 January 2016, Tryg changes its daily management structure. Hereafter, the current Nordic business areas will be transferred to national business areas with new directors heading the areas. The change is made in order to create a more decentralised decision structure, which strengthens the company’s adaptability and ensures that important decisions are made faster and close to the customers in the national market. At the same time, central development functions are established to ensure that we put more effort into ensuring innovation, development and efficiency across the organisation.   

With this new structure, each director has the complete responsibility for creating results within their own business area with reference to an Executive Board comprising the Group’s Executive Management; CEO Morten Hübbe, CFO Tor Magne Lønnum and COO Lars Bonde.

The new management structure replaces the current Group Executive Management comprising the Executive Management and a number of Group Executive Vice Presidents heading Tryg’s Nordic business areas. The affected Group Executive Vice Presidents will continue, either as directors of one of the new established business areas or will have other jobs within the organisation. Trond Bøe Svestad, Group Executive Vice President of Commercial, has chosen to leave Tryg in connection with the organisational change and leaves as of today.


21_2015 Tryg, organisational change.pdf