Result of External Audit Tender

Result of the External Audit Tender

AstraZeneca PLC (the Company) today announced a proposal to appoint
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) as its external auditor for the financial year
ending 31 December 2017.

As disclosed in the Company's Annual Report, the Audit Committee determined that
the audit would be put out to tender by 2018 in accordance with the transitional
guidance issued by the Financial Reporting Council. The proposed change of
auditor follows a recommendation by the Audit Committee to the Board based on a
formal tender in line with best practice. Further information on the tender
process will be provided in the Audit Committee Report contained in the
Company's Annual Report for the financial year ending 31 December 2015.

A resolution to approve the appointment of PwC will be put to shareholders at
the Company's AGM in 2017.

A resolution to re-appoint the Company's current auditor, KPMG LLP, for the
financial year ending 31 December 2016 will be put to shareholders at the
Company's AGM in 2016.

KPMG has been the auditor of the AstraZeneca Group since the merger of Astra and
Zeneca in 1999 and the Board would like to thank KPMG for its years of service
to the Company.

23 December 2015

