Endomines gold production Q4/2015

Endomines AB publishes its fourth quarter 2015 (ending December 31, 2015)
production results for its Pampalo Operations in Eastern Finland. The operations
produced 118.5 kg (3,810 oz.) of gold during the fourth quarter 2015. The full
year gold production in 2015 was 529.5 kg (761.9 kg in 2014). During 2016 the
Company expects to produce from 300 to 350 kg gold.

Key Production Results:

|Key figures|       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|by         |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|quarter and|       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|2015       |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|YTD        |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|           |2 014  |2 014  |2 014 |2 014 |2 015 |2 015 |2 015 |2 015 |2 015  |
|           |Q1     |Q2     |Q3    |Q4    |Q1    |Q2    |Q3    |Q4    |Q1-Q4  |
|Milled ore |107,866|104,688|95,583|87,205|76,089|85,738|90,143|83,926|335,896|
|(tonnes)   |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|Head grade |2.0    |2.3    |2.7   |2.4   |2.1   |1.8   |2.0   |1.7   |1.9    |
|(Au        |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|gram/tonne)|       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|Gold       |81.6   |80.3   |81.6  |82.9  |83.8  |84.1  |82.7  |81.4  |83.0   |
|recovery   |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|(%)        |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|Hourly     |94.6   |95.7   |93.7  |89.8  |82.8  |91.5  |93.3  |80.2  |87.0   |
|utilization|       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|(%)        |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|Gold       |176.0  |195.7  |210.9 |179.3 |131.3 |126.6 |153.1 |118.5 |529.5  |
|production |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|(kg)       |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|Gold       |5,659  |6,292  |6,781 |5,765 |4,221 |4,069 |4,922 |3,810 |17,022 |
|production |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|(oz)       |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|LTIFR (12  |11     |16     |23    |24    |25    |10    |9     |4     |4      |
|months     |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
|rolling)   |       |       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |

Footnotes for Production figures[1] / LTIFR[2]

Mine and milling volumes as well as gold production during the fourth quarter
were affected by the introduction of Selective Mining in mid-December 2015. The
Pampalo processing plant was not operated during the latter part of December and
the ore was derived from low grade areas. The intention of Selective Mining is
to concentrate mining to earlier known as well as in 2015 discovered high-grade

During the reporting period, the company’s own workforce achieved a continuous
period of 365 working days without any accident. This achievement clearly
demonstrates Endomines’ commitment to a safe working environment.

Year-end report
The year-end report for January – December 2015 will be published in Swedish in
full on February 18th, 2016. A short summary is published in English on the same

For further information, please contact:
Markus Ekberg
CEO of Endomines AB
tel. +358 40 706 48 50
Or visit the Company´s home page: www.endomines.com


Endomines AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication at 08:45 CET on January 8, 2016.

About Endomines:
Endomines conducts exploration and mining business along the 40 kilometer long
Karelian Gold Line. Through various regulatory approvals, Endomines controls the
exploration rights to this entire area.

The Company’s first mine, Pampalo, started in February 2011. During 2014,
Endomines initiated the production of ore from the mine in Rämepuro. The ore
from satellite mines will be processed in the centrally located mill at Pampalo.

The Company’s business practices and mining operations are based on sustainable
principles and on minimizing the impact on the environment.

Endomines applies SveMin's & FinnMin's respective rules for reporting for public
mining & exploration companies. The Company has chosen to report mineral
resources and ore reserves according to the JORC-code, which is the
internationally accepted Australasian code for reporting ore reserves and
mineral resources.

Endomines vision is to participate in the future structural transformation and
consolidation of the Nordic mining industry. The Company may therefore be
involved in acquisitions of interesting deposits or companies, should such
opportunities arise.

The shares of Endomines AB are quoted on NASDAQ Stockholm under ticker ENDO and
on NASDAQ Helsinki under ticker

This news release may contain forward-looking statements, which address future
events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The
Company's actual results, programs, and financial position could differ
materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result
of numerous factors, some of which may be beyond the Company's control. These
factors include: the availability of funds; the timing and content of work
programs; results of exploration activities and development of mineral
properties, the interpretation of drilling results and other geological data,
the uncertainties of resource and reserve estimations, receipt and security of
mineral property titles; project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and
expenses, fluctuations in metal prices; currency fluctuations; and general
market and industry conditions.

Forward-looking statements are based on the expectations and opinions of the
Company's management on the date the statements are made. The assumptions used
in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the
time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance
should not be placed on forward-looking


[1] Production figures for the last quarter are based on company own assaying
and not confirmed by any external laboratory. Figures are individually rounded
[2] LTIFR = The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate is based on reported lost time
injuries on a rolling 12-month bases resulting in one day/shift or more off work
per 1,000,000 hours worked. LTIFR has been calculated for the whole company
including contractors

