Reporting of trading in Tryg shares by Morten Hübbe

Statement of transactions by members of senior management and their related parties in shares, issued by Tryg and related securities, cf. section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act.

The statement is based on reports received by Tryg from members of its senior management:

Name                                    Morten Hübbe
Senior management employee’s position: Group CEO
Relationship with senior   management employee
(related party):
ISIN code: DK 0060013274
Type of security
(e.g. share, option):
Nature of transaction
(purchase, sale, other):
Trading date: 27 January 2016
Market in which the transaction was executed: NASDAQ Copenhagen
Number of securities traded: 11,740
Market value (DKK) of securities traded:     1,523,552

Morten Hübbe has purchased shares as part of the mathing shares programme, see Tryg’s Remuneration policy. 


2016.01.28 Transaction statement, Morten Hübbe.pdf