Tieto’s Board of Directors resolves on incentive plans for key employees

Tieto Corporation  STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 4 February 2016, 11.00  EET
Tieto’s Board of Directors has approved two new share-based incentive plans for
key employees of Tieto and its subsidiaries, a Performance Share Plan 2016–2018
and a Restricted Share Plan 2016–2018. The aim of the plans is to align the
objectives of shareholders and key employees in order to increase the value of
the company in the long-term. Tieto will nominate approximately 150 key
employees, including Tieto’s Leadership Team, to the plans.

The potential rewards from these new incentive plans will be paid partly in the
company’s shares and partly in cash in 2019. The cash proportion is intended to
cover taxes and tax-related costs arising from the reward. As a rule, no reward
will be paid, if a participant´s employment or service ends before the reward
payment. The Board of Directors anticipates that share rewards to be delivered
to the participants under the plan will consist of shares to be acquired from
the market. Thus, no new shares will be issued in connection with the plan and,
therefore, the incentive plan will have no dilutive effect.

Performance Share Plan 2016–2018

The potential reward from the Performance Share Plan 2016–2018 will be based on
the relative Total Shareholder Return of Tieto share (TSR), strategic target
related to Tieto’s growth and on Tieto’s Earnings per Share (EPS). Performance
will be measured during 2016–2018. The rewards to be paid on the basis of the
Performance Share Plan 2016–2018 correspond to the value of an approximate
maximum of 430 000 Tieto shares, including the proportion to be paid in cash.

Restricted Share Plan 2016–2018

The reward from the Restricted Share Plan 2016–2018 will be based on a valid
employment or director agreement of a key employee upon the reward payment. The
reward will be paid after the end of a three-year vesting period 2016–2018. The
rewards to be paid on the basis of the Restricted Share Plan 2016–2018
correspond to the value of an approximate maximum of 50 000 Tieto shares,
including the proportion to be paid in cash.

The Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Nina Lönnquist, Head of Compensation & Benefits, tel.
+358407505804, nina.lonnquist (at) tieto.com

NASDAQ Helsinki
NASDAQ Stockholm
Principal Media

Tieto is the largest IT services company in the Nordics providing full lifecycle
IT services. We also provide global product development services for companies
in the communications and embedded technologies arena. Through industry insight,
technology vision, and innovative thinking, Tieto proactively strives to inspire
and engage our customers in finding new ways of accelerating their business.

Building on a strong Nordic heritage, Tieto combines global capabilities with
local presence. Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Tieto has over 13 000
experts in more than 20 countries. Turnover is approximately EUR 1.5 billion.
Tieto’s shares are listed on NASDAQ in Helsinki and Stockholm. www.tieto.com