PRESS RELEASE - NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB (publ)


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Interim Report January-March 2016


First quarter 2016

Net profit for the first quarter amounted to MSEK 25.2 (23.8).

Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.69 (1.60).

Net asset value amounted to MSEK 811 (SEK 54.52 per share) at March 31, 2016, compared to MSEK 785 (SEK 52.78 per share) at year-end 2015.

Net cash amounted to MSEK 362 (SEK 24.34 per share) at March 31, 2016, compared to MSEK 351 (SEK 23.60 per share) at year-end 2015.


Comments by the CEO


NAXS made good progress during the first three months of the year, with the net asset value per share rising by 3.3%.

The financial markets continued to be volatile during the first quarter, and we expect such volatility to prevail. And while private equity activity has slowed, competition for quality assets remains strong. In the short to medium term, NAXS intends to put additional focus on co-investments, secondary and other alternative investments. This is also in-line with the recently revised investment policy for the Company.

Lennart Svantesson




Financial summary


Net profit/loss for the period, KSEK 25 193 23 777


Private equity fund investments, KSEK 449 500 434 246
Private equity fund investments in % of equity 55 55
Remaining commitments, KSEK 87 524 104 748
Total exposure to private equity fund investments, KSEK 537 024 538 994
Net cash, KSEK 361 924 350 970
Private equity fund investments per share, SEK 30.23 29.20
Net cash per share, SEK 24.34 23.60
Net asset value per share, SEK 54.52 52.78
Share price, SEK 49.80 54.00





Contact information

Lennart Svantesson, CEO

Telephone: +46 73 311 00 11



This press release and further information is available on the Company’s website:



NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act.

This press release was submitted for publication at 08:30 CET on April 22, 2016.


NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB (publ)
Corp. Reg. No. 556712-2972
Grev Turegatan 10
114 46 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 611 33 25, E-mail:



NAXS Interim Report January-March 2016.pdf