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Source: Patient Advocate Foundation

PAF Extends Transportation Financial Aid Fund for Metastatic Melanoma and Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients

Patient Advocate Foundation reaffirms its commitment to helping patients navigate transportation barriers by advancing program.

HAMPTON, Va., April 27, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF), a national nonprofit dedicated to helping those living with serious illness overcome access-to-care issues, is pleased to announce the one-year anniversary of its Metastatic Melanoma and Metastatic Lung Cancer Transportation Financial Aid Fund: a national transportation relief program for qualified patients undergoing recurring IV-infused treatment.

"Transportation continues to be a burden for those requiring frequent access to care across the U.S.," Alan Balch, PhD, CEO of Patient Advocate Foundation says. "We are pleased to continue to offer this resource for patients."

Approved patients receive a one-time grant of $300 to be used specifically for transportation purposes as it applies to the patient's current treatment plan, including but not limited to: ambulance rides, airfare, train, public transportation, taxi or similar service, as well as necessary gas or oil for a vehicle. Patients may also use the funds for car insurance, vehicle repair, auto loans, and vehicle adaptations or modifications such as wheelchair accessibility.

"Our data reveals that when patients do not have access to reliable transportation they are more likely to experience missed or delayed treatment, as well as issues accessing their prescribed medication", Balch adds (1). "By working to eliminate that barrier, we can help patients get and stay on their prescribing physicians' treatment regimen, leading to better health outcomes nationwide."

This program is a part of PAF's Financial Aid Fund division offering targeted relief to specific designated patient populations. Patients interested in applying for the Transportation Financial Aid Fund may call (855) 824-7941 for more information or visit

(1) Patient Advocate Foundation, Patient Data Analysis Report, 2015 Edition.

About the Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Financial Aid Fund-Patient Advocate Foundation's Financial Aid Fund serves as an independent division of Patient Advocate Foundation, providing small grants to patients who meet the financial and medical criteria. Grants are provided on first-come first served basis and are distributed until funds are depleted. Qualifications and processes for each fund may differ based on fund requirements. Patients who are interested in applying for financial assistance should start by calling this division toll free at (855) 824-7941 or visiting