Report from the Annual General Meeting of Indutrade AB on 27 April 2016

Indutrade’s Annual General Meeting was held on 27 April 2016, at IVA’s
Conference Center, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm.
The AGM resolved on dividends of SEK 9.00 per share. The record date for the
dividends was set to 29 April 2016. Dividends are expected to be distributed via
Euroclear Sweden on 4 May 2016.

Fredrik Lundberg, Bengt Kjell, Johnny Alvarsson, Ulf Lundahl, Katarina
Martinson, Krister Mellvé and Lars Pettersson were re-elected as directors.
Annica Bresky was elected as new board member. Fredrik Lundberg was re-elected
as chairman of the board.

PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was reelected as the company’s auditor for the period
until the end of the AGM 2017.

The AGM resolved to adopt guidelines for remuneration and other terms of
employment of the senior executives in accordance with the board of directors’

In accordance with the board’s proposals, the AGM resolved to amend the articles
of association with regard to the limits of the company’s share capital and the
number of shares, and on a bonus issue, whereby the company’s share capital is
increased by SEK 200 million to SEK 240 million and each existing share entitles
to two (2) new shares free of charge. The total number of shares in Indutrade is
thereby increased to 120,000,000. The record date for the bonus issue is 27 May

More information about the AGM is available at the company and on the company’s
website:, under Investor relations/AGM/AGM 2016.

Stockholm, 28 April 2016

For further information, please contact: Johnny Alvarsson, President and CEO:
+46 70 589 17 95
Indutrade markets and sells components, systems and services with a high-tech
content to industrial customers in selected niches. Indutrade’s business is
distinguished by the following factors, among others:

- High-tech products for recurring needs

- Growth through a structured and tried-and-tested acquisition strategy

- A decentralised organisation characterised by an entrepreneurial spirit

The Group is structured into six business areas: Engineering & Equipment, Flow
Technology, Fluids & Mechanical Solutions, Industrial Components, Measurement &
Sensor Technology and Special Products.

The Group’s financial targets (per year across a business cycle) are to grow by
a minimum of 10%, to attain a minimum EBITA margin of 10% and a minimum return
on operating capital of 20%.

