The decisions of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Joint Stock Company „Tosmares kuģubūvētava”

Unified registration number 42103022837

Ģenerāļa Baloža iela 42/44, LV–3402, Liepāja


The decisions of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting

Liepāja, April 29th, 2016


  1. Report of the Board of Directors on performance of the Company in 2015;


To take note of the report of the Board of Directors on performance of the Company in 2015.


  1. Report of the Council on the Annual Report 2015 of the Company;


To take note of the report of the Council on the Annual Report 2015 of the Company.


  1. Report of the Auditor on the Annual Report 2015;


To take note of the report of the Auditor SIA „Orients Audit & Finance” on the Annual Report 2015 of the Company.


  1. Approval of the Annual Report 2015 of the Company;


To approve the Annual Report 2015 of the Company.


  1. Distribution of the Company’s profit of the year 2015;


Do not distribute the Company’s profit in 2015 in the amount of EUR 145 453,– and redirect it for covering the losses of the Company of the previous years.


  1. Approval of the auditor of the Company for 2016;


  1. To approve the SIA „Orients Audit & Finance” as the auditor of the Company for 2016;
  2. To approve the remuneration to the auditor in the amount of EUR 5 000,–, excluding value added tax (21%);
  3. To authorize the Board of Directors to conclude an agreement with SIA „Orients Audit & Finance” to carry out the audit of the Annual Report 2016.


  1. Re–election of the Council and determining of the remuneration for the Council Members.


  1. To elect as the members of the Council:
    • Vasilijs Meļņiks;
    • Aleksandrs Čerņavskis;
    • Jānis Skvarnovičs;
    • Henrik Murel;
    • Larisa Artemenko.
  2. To determine the remuneration to the members of the Council in the amount as follows:
    • To determine to Vasilijs Meļņiks the remuneration in the amount of EUR 6 250,–;
    • To determine to Aleksandrs Čerņavskis the remuneration in the amount of EUR 3 750,–;
    • To determine to Jānis Skvarnovičs the remuneration in the amount of EUR 1 750,–;
    • To determine to Henrik Murel the remuneration in the amount of EUR 1 000,–;
    • To determine to Larisa Artemenko the remuneration in the amount of EUR 1 000,–;