Admission to trading of Wilson Therapeutics AB on Nasdaq Stockholm (51/16)

On request of Wilson Therapeutics AB, company registration number 556893-0357, Nasdaq Stockholm AB has admitted the company’s shares to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm, with effect from May 12, 2016. The decision is conditional upon that Wilson Therapeutics AB can meet the requirements regarding liquidity.                                                                                                                          

The company’s share capital consists of a total of 16,830,100[1] shares as per today’s date.

Short Name: WTX
Maximum number of shares to be listed: 25,886,703[2]
ISIN Code: SE0008293674
Order Book ID: 121819
Average Daily Turnover: 750 000 EUR
Clearing: EuroCCP and LCH
Segment: Mid Cap
Market segment: STO Equities CCP/182
Tick Size Table: Other Equities/227


ICB Classification:

Industry code: 4000 Health Care
Supersector code: 4500 Health Care


When issued trading

Trading will be on a when issued basis from May 12, 2016, up and including May 13, 2016, i.e. trading will begin before all conditions in the Offering has been satisfied and will cease if the Offering is not completed. For further information see page 28 in the prospectus (Sw. version).

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Cecilia Olsson or Karin Ydén, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or

[1] See prospectus page 10 (Sw. version).

[2] See prospectus page 75 (Sw. version). Assuming full subscription, that the Offering is fully extended, that the Over-allotment option is exercised in full and that the Offering price corresponds to the mid-value in the price range (i.e. SEK 53).