Annual General Meeting 2016 in New Wave Group AB (publ)

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in New Wave Group AB held today, the
following was decided, among other things:

  · Dividend to the shareholders of SEK 1.00 per share with May 13, 2016 as
record date.
  · Re-election of Torsten Jansson, Mats Årjes, Christina Bellander and M. Johan
Widerberg as Board Members. Election of Olof Persson and Elisabeth Dahlin as new
Board Members, since Anders Dahlvig and Helle Kruse Nielsen had declined re
-election as Board Members.
  · Election of Olof Persson as new Chairman of the Board.
  · Authorization of the Board of Directors for the period up to the next annual
general meeting of shareholders to resolve, whether on one or several occasions,
to increase the share capital with not more than SEK 12 000 000 by issue of not
more than 4 000 000 shares of class B in the company, with or without
prescription regarding new issue in kind or new issue by way of set-off or
otherwise on such terms and conditions as referred to in Chapter 13, Section 5,
point 6, of the Swedish Companies Act. The authorization includes a right to
decide on deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, except if the
decision on new issue of shares prescribes payment entirely in cash. The reasons
for deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights are that the newly
issued shares shall be utilized for financing acquisitions of companies or
businesses or part thereof. The basis for the issue price shall be the share’s
market value.
  · Authorization of the Board of Directors to resolve to raise financing of a
kind that is covered by the regulations in Chapter 11, Section 11, of the
Swedish Companies Act.

Complete documentation regarding the issues mentioned above and other issues
resolved at the AGM is available at the company and at the company’s website
Kosta, May 11, 2016
New Wave Group AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Torsten Jansson       President and CEO       Phone: +46 (0)31-712 89 01
Lars Jönsson          CFO                     Phone: +46 (0)31-712 89 12

New Wave Group AB (publ) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm.
New Wave Group AB is an international growth company that designs, acquires and
develops brands and products in the corporate promotions, sports, gifts and home
furnishings sectors. For more information please visit,

