GWS Production AB announces plans for a global personal travel security response and assistance service

Global Warning System (GWS) continues to innovate the personal travel security arena by using modern technology, and has submitted a new patent to the European Patent Office (EPO). The intellectual property covering a new area, will provide a cost effective and unique solution for assistance in case of incidents and threats, and be applicable in all of Europe and valid until the year 2036 if approved.

GWS provides a personal security service for travelers, accessible through an app that is easily downloaded to the mobile phone. The app contains critical information and alerts in real time about the traveler's actual location, giving service and safety while travelling. Until now GWS has been able to warn and send alerts, but the development of this new solution will take the company one step further. A rapid local response and assistance service will be delivered to the user. The innovation is considered highly value creating and will be protected by the pending patent.

Andreas Rodman, CEO of GWS, comments on the patent application:

"Based on feedback from customers and partners we see a clear customer need for not only to inform and advise, but to be able to act. Our market research shows there are no fully working solutions or systems on a global level today. We have designed a solution and structure for offering assistance in case of threat or incident that works globally, and our intention now is to start implementing it. We have the competence and knowledge to warn and alert travelers and through that create safer travels. With this solution we can take care of the user needs all the way and offer help if needed, which is a natural step for us to take. The patent application reflects our solution. With this exciting development, we apply our technology to provide assistance to those in need - in line with our mission to help save lives and keep people safe."

If tests and commercial response are positive, the new service will be launched in a new directly owned subsidiary, according to the strategy plan for new innovations developed within GWS.

About GWS Production AB and Safeture
GWS, Global Warning System, was founded in 2009, triggered by the experience with a global SARS epidemic, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the Mumbai terror attacks. The company offers a mobile device based, personal security service Safeture, in order to protect the traveler by real-time tracking and providing valuable real-time information about disasters and other threats that could impact on the traveler. The system consists of a range of services that are delivered via the traveler's mobile phone and is provided to both businesses - Safeture Pro, and to private individuals - Safeture.

The GWS share is listed on NASDAQ First North Stockholm. Sedermera Fondkommission is the Certified Adviser.

For additional information on the service, visit or contact CEO Andreas Rodman, +46 (0) 708 - 10 13 16, e-mail:

This is an English version of a press release communicated by GWS Production AB. In any case of doubt or possible differences regarding the different versions it is the Swedish version that shall apply.



GWS announces plans for travel security assistance service.pdf