Clearwater Police and Residents Join Forces to Build Florida’s Safest City

CLEARWATER, Fla., July 14, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Wednesday July 13th, at the Church of Scientology’s Fort Harrison in downtown Clearwater, over 200 Clearwater residents showed up to hear Clearwater’s Police Chief Daniel Slaughter speak about one of Clearwater’s rougher neighborhoods. The Chief detailed how the East Gateway area has high incidents of synthetic drug use, homelessness and prostitution. Church parishioners, business owners and concerned citizens of the East Gateway and Sky Crest areas were in attendance.

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But the event had an additional purpose and that was to get citizens into immediate action to do something about it. Church of Scientology representative, Pat Harney, informed guests about a collaborative project in another Clearwater neighborhood, North Greenwood. That project was done in conjunction with the police, residents and community leaders and resulted in a 62% decrease in crime in North Greenwood in under a year.

Pat Harney informed the audience that volunteers took to heart what L. Ron Hubbard said, which was, “A community that pulls together can make a better society for all."

Chief Slaughter gave the audience an overview of the East Gateway area. This included what the city and residents had done to improve the neighborhood and how others could help make a difference.

Chief Slaughter said, “It is the community that is going to decide what activity it’s going to tolerate. And as a community, we have a lot of work that all of us can do in East Gateway.”

When Chief Slaughter was finished, Pat Harney asked members of the audience to step forward and sign up to help their neighbors in East Gateway. Over 50 people stepped up and agreed to participate in doing surveys, clean-ups and job training.

Guests were then invited to get right into action and conduct surveys of East Gateway residents, so volunteers could know exactly what the residents themselves considered was needed to improve their area. Sixteen volunteers were immediately transported to the East Gateway area to do just that. Escorted by one of the Chief’s men, they went door to door and surveyed a total of fifty-three people. 

The top areas of need found in East Gateway are clean-ups and beautification of the area and safety for their families.

Police Chief speaks to group at Fort Harrison.jpg

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