Mainor Ülemiste AS Interim Report 2Q 2016

Main Events in the 2Q 2016.


Major Cooperation to Boost Estonia as a Tech Country

On May 3rd five organizations signed a cooperation agreement to join forces in order to promote Estonia as a tech country, to increase R&D cooperation between universities and businesses and to help large international companies easily establish their subsidiaries in Estonia.

The cooperation agreement was signed by the heads of Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol and Mainor Ülemiste and Technopolis Ülemiste – the developers of Ülemiste City business campus.


Finance Estonia „Baltic Capital Markets Forum“ International Conference 

The important international conference was held in Ülemise City’s conference centre Spacex on 12th of May, which hosted 400 top managers and specialists of the finance and investment field.


Industry 4.0 IN PRACTICE conference

Ülemiste City conference centre hosted Industry 4.0 conference on the 2nd of June. The participants of the conference visited Ülemiste campus, saw its developments, took a tour in the organizations in industrial production as well visited Helmes Ltd - one of the most influential company specializing in digitalization and e-solutions for the Estonian State organizations.


Renovation of Two Historical Buildings Took Off in Q2

Mainor Ülemiste strated renovating two buildings situated on Valukoja street 10 and on Sepise street 8. Nordea Bank financed the project with 2.5 M EUR that enables the process of renovation of the two old production facilities for the needs of the sports club MyFitness and the Gourmet Coffee restaurant.


Ambassadors Visit Ülemiste campus

Mainor Ülemiste hosted ambassadors from many countries with whom to Ülemiste City expects more thorough cooperation in developing international network and relations. We were visited by the ambassadors of the US, Great Britain, German and Ukraine.


Ülemiste City Key Figures as of 30.06.2016

Rented space                147 000 square meters

Occupancy Rate           98%



Financial Performance

2Q 2016 – Net profit EUR 865 thousand

Net Sales and Net Profit

  • Net Sales amounted to EUR 1,334 th in 2nd quarter, increase of 7.2 % compared to 2nd quarter of 2015
  • Net Profit amounted to EUR 865 th, decrease of 12.5 % compared to 2nd quarter of 2015



  • Operating expenses increased from EUR 899 th (1Q 2016) to EUR 900 th in 2nd quarter of 2016
  • Interest expense on loans and issued bonds amounted to EUR 334 th, increase of 20 % compared to 1st quarter in 2016 (EUR 279 th)


Net Sales and Net Profit – 1H 2016

  • Net Sales amounted to EUR 2,701 th in 1st half-year, increase of 9.2 % compared to 1st half-year of 2015
  • Net Profit amounted to EUR 2,017 th, increase of 8.3 % compared to 1st half-year of 2015


Interest-bearing liabilities

  • Mainor Ülemiste AS interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 35,798 th. The Company’s three largest creditors at the end of the period were Nordea Bank AB, LHV Pank AS, SEB Pank AS.
  • At the end of the reporting period, Mainor Ülemiste had EUR 17,000 th in untapped credit facilities


Statement of the Management Board

The financial and other additional information published in the Interim Report April – June 2016 is true and complete. Consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the actual financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the group.

Consolidated financial statements in the report for the period April – June 2016 are not audited.


Margus Nõlvak

Member of the Management Board

Tallinn, 28.07.2016



Consolidated Income Statement

(according to IFRS)

In thousands Euros

    1Q  2015 2Q  2015 3Q  2015 4Q  2015 1Q 2016 2Q 2016
Sales   1 230 1 244 1 252 1 356 1 367 1 334
Cost of Sales   -398 -385 -362 -447 -466 -456
Administrative expenses -332 -402 -345 -416 -421 -430
Depreciation   -4 -5 -8 -13 -12 -14
Income from associate companies 495 687 705 826 881 674
Other operating income 0 2 1 5 0 1
Other operating expenses -15 -1 -2 2 -4 -3
Operating profit 976 1 140 1 241 1 313 1 345 1 106
Other finance income 81 86 83 219 86 93
Interest paid and fees -182 -227 -249 -258 -279 -334
Income tax   0 -10 0 0 0 0
Net profit*   875 989 1 075 1 274 1 152 865
* Without change of valuation of Mainor Ülemiste AS's and associate companies' investments properties.  


Consolidated Balance Sheet

(according to IFRS)

 In thousands Euros  

Mainor Ülemiste AS 31.03.2015 30.06.2015 30.09.2015 31.12.2015 31.03.2016 30.06.2016
Tangible and intangible assets 54 81 118 106 120 121
Property 59 212 61 452 63 498 67 130 70 812 75 148
Other 9 773 10 591 9 738 9 817 9 895 10 240
Financial assets* 22 986 22 996 23 676 24 995 25 876 25 681
Receivables 702 1 009 902 766 953 1 428
Cash 4 288 4 827 5 499 5 878 6 188 6 096
Total assets 97 015 100 956 103 431 108 692 113 844 118 714
Owners' equity            
Share capital 19 200 19 200 19 200 19 200 19 200 19 200
Mandatory reserves 1 920 1 920 1 920 1 920 1 920 1 920
Retained earnings* 53 645 54 634 54 969 57 509 58 661 58 733
Total equity 74 765 75 754 76 089 78 629 79 781 79 853
Debt 20 285 22 511 24 606 27 659 31 213 35 798
Other liabilities 392 389 414 497 682 672
Accounts payable 1 573 2 301 2 321 1 907 2 168 2 391
Total liabilities 22 250 25 201 27 341 30 063 34 063 38 861
TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY 97 015 100 955 103 430 108 692 113 844 118 714

* Without change of valuation of Mainor Ülemiste AS's and associate companies' investments properties.



Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

In thousands Euros  

Mainor Ülemiste AS 3Q  2015 4Q  2015 1Q  2016 2Q  2016
Operating activities        
Net result for the period 1 075 1 274 1 152 865
  Depreciation 8 8 12 14
  Income from associate companies -705 -826 -881 -674
  Financial income and expenses 166 39 86 93
  Change in operating assets -148 -300 -210 -185
  Change in operating liabilities 281 80 517 223
  Interest received 4 1 9 9
  Dividends received 176 350 0 434
  Interest paid and fees -249 -212 -279 -319
  Income tax 0 0 0 0
Net cash flow from operating activities 608 414 406 460
Investing activities        
Investments in tangible and intangible assets -59 -1 -15 -10
Proceeds from sale of tangible and intangible assets 0 0 0 0
Investments in investment properties -1 929 -3 052 -3 506 -4 336
Loans granted -39 -39 -10 0
Repayment of loans granted 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of associates -1 0 0 0
Cash flows from investing activities -2 028 -3 092 -3 531 -4 346
Financing activities        
Bond issue 461 2 865 538 311
Increase in long-term loans 1 837 400 3 226 4 479
Decrease in long-term loans -206 -208 -209 -206
Dividends paid 0 0 -120 -790
Cash flows from financing activities 2 092 3 057 3 435 3 794
Total cash flow 672 379 310 -92
Cash and cash equivalents at period-start 4 827 5 499 5 878 6 188
Change in cash and cash equivalents 672 379 310 -92
Cash and cash equivalents at period-end 5 499 5 878 6 188 6 096




Mainor Ülemiste AS

Valukoja 7/2

11415 Tallinn, Estonia

Phone +372 5304 6992



Mainor Ülemiste AS Interim Report 2Q 2016.pdf