Extraordinary General Meeting for BoConcept Holding A/S held 4 August 2016

The shareholders of BoConcept Holding A/S held their extraordinary general meeting on this date. The agenda for this meeting was as follows:

1.     Election of chairman of the meeting

2.     Election of supervisory board members

3.     Any other business


Re item 1: Election of chairman of the meeting

Attorney Hans-Christian Ohrt was elected chairman of the meeting. The chairman concluded that the extraordinary general meeting had been lawfully convened and constituted a quorum for the transaction of business.


Re item 2: Election of supervisory board member

Peter Thorsen, Viggo Mølholm, Henrik Burkal and Preben Bager elected by the general meeting retired from the board due to the sale of the company to Layout Bidco A/S.

As new members of the executive board were elected:


Boris Kawohl, director 3i

Robert van Goethem, partner 3i

Anders Christer Moberg, international businessman and retailer


Re item 3: Any other business

No comments on this item.

Following the extraordinary general meeting, the supervisory board held its first meeting, and Boris Kawohl was elected chairman and Anders Christer Moberg deputy chairman of the supervisory board.

Please direct any questions to the executive board on telephone +45 7013 1366.


Herning, 4 August 2016


BoConcept Holding A/S


Ekstraordinr generalforsamling 2016 ref_gb.pdf