Alm. Brand – weekly report on share buybacks

In the period 8 August 2016 to 12 August 2016, Alm. Brand bought own shares for a total amount of DKK 3.3 million as part of the increased share buyback programme of up to DKK 400 million announced on 26 April 2016. In aggregate, shares of DKK 211.4 million have been bought back, equivalent to 52.9% of the overall programme.


Under the share buyback programme, the following transactions were made during the period:


Date No. of
Average purchase price (DKK) Transaction value
8 August 2016 14,285 45.71 652,967
9 August 2016 14,285 46.17 659,538
10 August 2016 13,333 46.19 615,851
11 August 2016 13,571 46.03 624,673
12 August 2016 15,476 47.04 727,991
Accumulated during the period 70,950 46.24 3,281,021
Accumulated under the share buyback programme 4,619,195 45.77 211,412,464



Danske Bank manages the share buyback programme, which is completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (the “Market Abuse Regulation”).


Following the above transactions, Alm. Brand holds 8,479,773 own shares, equivalent to 4.9% of the share capital.


Transactional data relating to share buy-backs are provided on the following pages in detailed form and in aggregated form, in accordance with the Commission’s delegated regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016.



Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Martin Egenhardt, IR Manager, on tel. +45 35 47 79 22.



Detailed transaction data


  08 August 2016   09 August 2016   10 August 2016   11 August 2016   12 August 2016
  Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK
XCSE 14.285 45,71   14.285 46,17   12.983 46,18   13.571 46,03   15.476 47,04
TRQX 0     0     350 46,40   0     0  
BATE 0     0     0     0     0  
BATD 0     0     0     0     0  
CHIX 0     0     0     0     0  
Total 14.285 45,71   14.285 46,17   13.333 46,19   13.571 46,03   15.476 47,04



08 August 2016    
Volume Price Venue Time CET
14.285 45,71    
225 45,50 XCSE 20160808 10:02:04.203000
225 45,50 XCSE 20160808 10:02:04.229000
550 45,50 XCSE 20160808 10:02:26.068000
29 45,50 XCSE 20160808 13:56:26.286000
489 45,50 XCSE 20160808 13:56:26.286000
90 45,50 XCSE 20160808 13:56:26.286000
32 45,50 XCSE 20160808 13:56:26.286000
500 45,80 XCSE 20160808 14:41:08.336000
500 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:00:37.053000
815 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:05:07.944000
136 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:05:07.944000
49 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:05:07.944000
160 45,70 XCSE 20160808 16:05:34.107000
214 45,70 XCSE 20160808 16:08:53.962000
626 45,70 XCSE 20160808 16:21:11.389000
593 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:46:45.141000
168 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:46:45.141000
99 45,80 XCSE 20160808 16:46:45.141000
500 45,90 XCSE 20160808 16:50:21.132000
8.285 45,71 XCSE 20160808 17:10:55.109650



09 August 2016    
Volume Price Venue Time CET
14.285 46,17    
250 45,80 XCSE 20160809 11:05:03.357000
150 45,80 XCSE 20160809 11:05:03.357000
100 45,80 XCSE 20160809 11:45:08.358000
249 45,80 XCSE 20160809 11:45:08.358000
1.000 46,00 XCSE 20160809 12:33:18.005000
20 45,90 XCSE 20160809 12:59:03.237000
70 45,90 XCSE 20160809 12:59:03.586000
600 45,90 XCSE 20160809 13:04:26.543000
124 45,90 XCSE 20160809 13:04:37.161000
186 45,90 XCSE 20160809 13:05:24.240000
500 46,00 XCSE 20160809 14:13:44.458000
251 46,40 XCSE 20160809 15:20:27.812000
500 46,40 XCSE 20160809 15:21:10.653000
33 46,30 XCSE 20160809 15:24:25.547000
500 46,40 XCSE 20160809 15:32:21.487000
467 46,60 XCSE 20160809 16:09:01.837000
500 46,50 XCSE 20160809 16:39:41.638000
500 46,50 XCSE 20160809 16:45:23.783000
8.285 46,17 XCSE 20160809 17:07:49.158118



10 August 2016    
Volume Price Venue Time CET
13.333 46,19    
250 46,30 XCSE 20160810 10:24:00.711000
45 46,00 XCSE 20160810 10:24:00.711000
455 46,00 XCSE 20160810 10:24:01.771000
350 46,40 TRQX 20160810 10:55:05.471000
30 46,30 XCSE 20160810 11:20:32.300000
250 46,50 XCSE 20160810 11:47:16.874000
470 46,30 XCSE 20160810 11:57:08.623000
500 46,00 XCSE 20160810 11:58:06.244000
250 45,80 XCSE 20160810 12:53:43.202000
100 46,10 XCSE 20160810 13:28:06.202000
1 46,20 XCSE 20160810 14:37:54.907000
161 46,20 XCSE 20160810 14:52:47.928000
400 46,30 XCSE 20160810 15:08:52.757000
238 46,20 XCSE 20160810 15:08:52.782000
100 46,10 XCSE 20160810 15:21:07.498000
100 46,10 XCSE 20160810 15:21:07.499000
100 46,10 XCSE 20160810 15:21:07.501000
246 46,20 XCSE 20160810 15:42:43.014000
2 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:16:13.572000
154 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:16:13.572000
346 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:16:13.598000
252 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:27:59.907000
400 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:46:15.557000
300 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:46:15.557000
100 46,20 XCSE 20160810 16:46:15.557000
7.733 46,19 XCSE 20160810 17:09:20.815514
11 August 2016    
Volume Price Venue Time CET
13.571 46,03    
147 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:47:58.370000
57 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:50:55.163000
515 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:51:00.865000
68 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:54:29.294000
89 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:59:05.912000
11 45,90 XCSE 20160811 09:59:55.158000
73 45,90 XCSE 20160811 10:02:55.185000
40 45,90 XCSE 20160811 10:05:36.394000
1.000 45,90 XCSE 20160811 11:57:52.079000
1.000 46,00 XCSE 20160811 13:57:55.135000
1.000 46,20 XCSE 20160811 15:28:46.181000
144 46,10 XCSE 20160811 15:48:11.864000
356 46,10 XCSE 20160811 15:48:11.865000
500 46,10 XCSE 20160811 16:21:13.553000
700 46,10 XCSE 20160811 16:39:44.672000
7.871 46,03 XCSE 20160811 17:13:55.639638


12 August 2016    
Volume Price Venue Time CET
15.476 47,04    
1.000 47,10 XCSE 20160812 12:24:50.367000
441 47,10 XCSE 20160812 12:36:13.788000
241 47,10 XCSE 20160812 13:20:45.158000
559 47,10 XCSE 20160812 13:20:45.158000
200 47,10 XCSE 20160812 13:20:45.158000
200 47,10 XCSE 20160812 14:44:46.112000
500 47,10 XCSE 20160812 14:44:46.112000
300 47,10 XCSE 20160812 14:44:46.112000
59 47,10 XCSE 20160812 15:01:39.500000
500 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:03:13.297000
83 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:03:54.904000
143 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:03:54.988000
274 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:13:49.812000
42 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:13:49.812000
13 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:14:56.124000
903 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:14:56.477000
42 47,00 XCSE 20160812 16:14:56.505000
500 46,90 XCSE 20160812 16:42:37.298000
500 46,90 XCSE 20160812 16:42:37.298000
8.976 47,04 XCSE 20160812 17:10:12.616449



AS 48 2016 - Weekly report on share buybacks.pdf