Alm. Brand - New Director, IT and Digitalisation appointed to senior management group

Mikael Sundby, Managing Director of Alm. Brand Liv og Pension, who also serves as head of Group IT, and Lars Lysdal Jensen, Director, IT, have announced their retirement effective 31 December 2016 after 31 and 18 years, respectively, with the Alm. Brand Group. In that connection, the group will implement an organisational change to further strengthen its IT and digitalisation profile. Thomas Erichsen has been appointed new Director, IT and Digitalisation, and new member of Alm. Brand’s senior management group as from 1 October.


In a move to support the continued development of the Alm. Brand Group’s digital ambitions, IT and digitalisation will now be represented at senior management level under an independent directorship. Alm. Brand has recruited Thomas Erichsen to the position as Director, IT and Digitalisation. Thomas Erichsen comes from a position as Head of Solutions and IT at Nordea.


“It is becoming increasingly clear that we need to prioritise IT and digitalisation development even more. In Thomas Erichsen, we will have a very experienced and competent promoter to further strengthen this development,” said Alm. Brand’s CEO, Søren Boe Mortensen. He continued:


“There is no doubt that digitalisation and IT support will play a central role for financial enterprises in future. In order to meet customer expectations of a very high level of individualised and tailored service and advice, we need to have the best digital solutions based on the most sophisticated IT systems.”


In his position at Nordea, Thomas Erichsen was in charge of developing the Nordea Group’s digital customer interface platforms in the retail bank in the Nordics, including the digitalisation of core processes and services. Strategy and transformation processes, especially within IT and digital solutions, have been central themes in Thomas Erichsen’s career, and he has held positions in financial and IT companies and also served as a management consultant.


Thomas Erichsen will take up the position as Director, IT and Digitalisation, of Alm. Brand on 1 October 2016. Lars Lysdal Jensen will retire effective 31 December 2016 after a handing-over period.


Alm. Brand Liv og Pension

In connection with Mikael Sundby’s retirement effective 31 December 2016, Claude Reffs will be appointed new Managing Director of Alm. Brand Liv og Pension. Claude Reffs has served as chief actuary of Alm. Brand Liv og Pension for the past seven years, working closely with Mikael Sundby in relation to the company’s operations and development. Overall responsibility for the group’s Life and Pension activities will be consolidated under Kim Bai Wadstrøm, who is also responsible for the group’s Banking activities. This organisational change will ensure a coordinated savings and asset management approach throughout the Alm. Brand organisation, as customers increasingly take a comprehensive view of their savings across banking and pension products.



Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to Søren Boe Mortensen, CEO, on tel. +45 35 47 79 07 or Susanne Biltoft, Head of Information and Investor Relations, on tel. +45 35 47 76 61.



AS 49 2016 - organisationsaendring final.pdf