Resolution of the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Latvijas balzams, held on 8 September 2016

Amendments to the Articles of Association

Riga, 2016-09-08 15:44 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 1.    To supplement the Articles of Association with the new subsection as follows:

(29)    The Company can establish Special Purpose Reserves at the amount of EUR 5 311 764 for real estate and reorganization related projects development and prevention of related risks.
(30)    Special Purpose Reserves shall be established from contributions of shareholders and shall be incorporated in to the Company’s equity capital.”

2.    To stipulate that the Amendments to the Articles of Association of the Joint Stock Company Latvijas balzams shall take effect as of the moment of registration at the Commercial Register Authority – the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia.

Voting results:  decision is taken with the required majority of votes.

Riga, September 8, 2016

JSC Latvijas balzams
Chairman of the Management Board                                                               Intars Geidāns

         Jūlija Dmitrijeva
         Senior Lawyer
         Phone +371 6708 0618