Efore Plc's financial reporting and Annual General Meeting in 2017

Espoo, Finland, 2016-10-19 07:20 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EFORE PLC  Stock Exchange Release   October 19, 2016  at 8.20 a.m.

The financial year 2016 of Efore Plc will end on December 31, 2016.

Efore Plc will publish the following reports in 2017:  
- The Financial Statements Bulletin 2016 will be published on February 15, 2017.
- Half-year report (January 1 – June 30, 2017 will be published on August 17, 2017

The Annual General Meeting
will be held on April 5, 2017. The notice to convene the Annual General Meeting will be given later on by the Board of Directors.

The Annual Report 2016 will be published during the week 11/2017.


Jorma Wiitakorpi
President and CEO

For further information please contact Jorma Wiitakorpi, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 175 8510.  


Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
Principal media

Efore Group

Efore Group is an international company which develops and produces demanding power products. Efore's head office is based in Finland and its R&D functions are located in Finland, Sweden, Italy and China. Sales and marketing operations are located in Europe, United States and China. In the fiscal year ending in December 2015, consolidated net sales totalled EUR 89,9 million and the Group's personnel averaged 887. The company's share is quoted on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. www.efore.com