Source: SynGlyphX Holdings, Inc.

SynGlyphX® to Partcipate in Design Thinking Classes as Part of the United States Air Force Academy’s CyberWorx Project

Data Visualization Company Invited to Participate as a New Leader in Big Data Visualization


SynGlyphX®, the leading provider of 3D interactive data visualization and discovery technology, announced today that it will participate in design thinking classes as a part of the United States Air Force Academy’s (USAFA) CyberWorx Project. Cadets participating in the CyberWorx project will focus on the design thinking approach to explore how to present tailored cyber risk information to commanders at various levels of war. SynGlyphX® is one of only a handful of companies invited to join an industry cohort that will work in peer to peer groups with cadets in hands on tech collaboration. The invitation is one of a series of invitations to participate in elite Federal Government programs. SynGlyphX® will work weekly with cadet teams throughout the USAFA fall semester.


“We are very excited to participate in the CyberWorx project,” said Mark Sloan, CEO and Co-founder of SynGlyphX®.  “We focus on helping analysts get from data to insights faster. SynGlyphX software transforms data, of any type, into a visual environment that helps the user to easily understand a vast array of information at a glance. Analysts can simultaneously see spatial, temporal, and relational data in an integrated environment. We are elated to work with the USAFA to share and explore ideas of data visualization, design thinking and analysis.”


USAFA cadets will explore and learn how the visual representation of complex data as glyphs enables commanders and analysts to comprehend and act on vast amounts of data faster than other forms of data visualization. SynGlyphX® will work closely with cadets and five other industry leaders in collaborative, peer to peer, work groups to create innovative processes for cyber analysis. “C-TRAC recognizes the value of SynGlyphX expertise in data visualization and selected them to bring these unique perspectives to the Air Force and CyberWorx for this fall term,” states managing director of C-TRAC, Erin Miller.


SynGlyphX® understands how the mind assimilates and processes complex data. Its unique approach to interactive visualization technology is enhanced by Perceptual Engineering -- the optimal design of a visual environment to enable the user to more efficiently interact with and synthesize complex data sets. This approach is supported by decades of academic and government-funded research on how the mind best understands and processes complex data.

Government CIO Outlook has ranked SynGlyphX™ among the Top 10 Big Data Solution Providers 2016.

Read about SynGlyphX™ here:

About SynGlyphX®

Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, U.S., SynGlyphX® is transforming the way the world interacts with data for discovery and insight. With superior technology, perceptual engineering and knowledgeable staff, it offers its customers the ability to assimilate massive amounts of data in a single computer screen, allowing user to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies and ultimately transform data to knowledge faster. For more info: