Cleantech Building Materials Plc – new share admitted to trading on First North

At the request of Cleantech Building Materials Plc the shares in the company will be traded on First North as per 23 December 2016.


Name: Cleantech Building Materials
Short name: CBM
Volume: 28,583,519 shares
Company Registration Number: UK 9357256
Face value: £ 0.10
ADT Value: EUR 400,000
Round Lot: 1
Trading currency: EUR
Market segment: First North/ 100
Tick Size table: XCSE Other Equities/ 229
Mic code: FNDK
Orderbook ID: 129611



Code Industry
2000 Industrials


Code Super Sector
2300 Construction & Materials


This information is distributed by request from Certified Advisor Keswick Global AG.

For further information, please contact Keswick Global AG on +43 1 740 408045.


First North is the brand name for the MTF/alternative markets place operated by Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, Nasdaq Iceland hf. and Nasdaq Stockholm AB respectively.


10 - CBM - ITL meddelelse - uk.pdf