LECTRA: Modaris® 3D galvanizes the development of collections for Cache Cache


Modaris® 3D galvanizes the development of collections for Cache Cache

Lectra's 3D prototyping solution ensures product development is faster and less costly for the international women's brand

Paris, February 14, 2017 - Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles and composite materials, equips women's brand Cache Cache (Beaumanoir group) with Modaris® 3D to ramp up product development and facilitate exchanges between sub-contractors.

A Lectra customer for over 15 years, French family group Beaumanoir, founded in 1981, is a specialist in fashion distribution. Cache Cache, the group's early brand, is a market leader in French and international prêt-à-porter with over 1, 590 sales points across the world, including more than 500 located in France. Present in 21 countries, Cache Cache continues to expand in Europe and Asia, including the recent opening of its 1 000th shop in China. In parallel, the brand is forging ahead with e-commerce. The group's brands-Bonobo, Cache Cache, Morgan, Bréal and Scottage-are accessible and in tune with young, modern and audacious women. The Beaumanoir group employs over 14, 300 collaborators across the world, and in 2015 posted a turnover of €1.4 billion.

The Cache Cache brand, which was already using the expert version of Modaris-Lectra's flagship solution for product development in the fashion industry-has acquired the 3D version for its design offices located at the group's head office in St.Malo, France, and for Shanghai, China.

"Our design office in St.Malo is responsible for creating and developing products," explains Camille Dupont, Director for Offer, at Cache Cache. "We are leveraging Modaris 3D to react rapidly to evolving demand. With this solution, our stylists and product managers can easily make choices, organized around the same screen, based on prototypes developed in 3D. The decision-making process starts as early as possible and is much quicker."

Cache Cache initially rolled out Modaris 3D for dresses, before extending the solution across all of its collections. Their decision was driven by the reduction in the number of prototypes possible.

"Cache Cache sub-contracts manufacturing to a vast network of suppliers," comments Karen Elalouf, Managing Director, Lectra France. "By replacing a portion of the physical prototypes with virtual prototypes, Lectra's 3D technology will simplify the exchanges between the design office and sub-contractors, generating many advantages including-saving time, savings on materials, and reducing stocks."

"Highly responsive, Cache Cache is permanently adapting to developments in fashion across its many markets," underlined Jeanine Guillaume, head of the technical division at Cache Cache. "3D is the right choice for our brand. By advancing more quickly at the product development stage, our teams will have more time to dedicate to new creative ideas. In addition, we will achieve considerable all-round savings thanks to improved exchanges between our suppliers."

® Modaris is a registered trademark of Lectra.

About Group Beaumanoir
Group Beaumanoir has over 2 850 sales points globally: more than 1 590 Cache Cache shops, 336 Bréal shops, 391 Bonobo shops, 144 Scottage boutiques and over 336 points of sale for Morgan. Group Beaumanoir has more than 14 300 collaborators across the world. In addition to distribution activities, the group has a logistics' subsidiary, C-Log, and has developed e-business activities with Korben. The main dispatch center is located in Pleudihen-sur-Rance, France near to the group's headquarters in St.Malo. Founded in 1985, Group Beaumanoir is a leader in distribution thanks to over 2 850 sales' points and to brands such as Cache Cache and Morgan. Created over thirty years ago, Group Beaumanoir has enjoyed ongoing growth, and aims to support the growth of its 1 000 Cache Cache shops in China by optimizing their logistics.

About Lectra

Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions (software, automated cutting equipment, and associated services) specifically designed for industries using fabrics, leather, technical textiles, and composite materials to manufacture their products. It serves major world markets: fashion and apparel, automotive, and furniture as well as a broad array of other industries. Lectra's solutions, specific to each market, enable customers to automate and optimize product design, development, and manufacturing. With more than 1,550 employees, Lectra has developed privileged relationships with prestigious customers in more than 100 countries, contributing to their operational excellence. Lectra registered revenues of $288 million in 2016 and is listed on Euronext.

For more information, please visit www.lectra.com

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